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Gday ooodog sorry for the late reply mate but to answer your question about sexing,you do not have to wait for your plants to be flowering to tell the sex, if you pay close attention to detail you can sex most plants at around 6 to 10 weeks of age by looking for the signs of sex which is looking the two or sometimes single hairs that start to protrude around the nodes and bud sights,males do not have these hairs and those tiny hairs eventually turn into female buds/flowers,now in saying that i still wait till the males start to grow flowers and of course destroy or juice them or just get them far away from any females before the flowers open and start pollinating, its just the way ive always done it and i like to always have a couple of seedlings ready to replace any males that have been pulled,so im not left with any vacant growing area's and yeah pretty much thats how i do it,i read an article a while back about being able to sex plants as soon as they sprout and taking note as to whether the tap root sprouts from the side of the seed or from the bottom of the seed as to if its male or female but i havent done enough experiments yet to say weather thats reasonably accurate or not.cheers ooodog,,,,GQ


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As soon as seen i posted foot again i give self a kick up the backside with the other foot lol,thanks about plants, though they could be better if the bloody weather would just warm up, i been in tracky dacks and big jacket again all day today,im just about over this extended winter im getting,need warmer days


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Gday budz,so far they've only had one two litre drink to weeks ago,they probably dont really need it because i put a lot of good stuff into the soil when i was doing ground prep late winter but the fish shit water cant hurt and ive got plenty of it so il probably give a hit with it about once a month between now and april/may,i only just sprouted a few more seeds myself a few days ago and even those will get to a reasonable size if mother nature and the elements are kind enough so you should be alright sowing seed right up till chrissy and still get something decent,,GQ


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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As soon as seen i posted foot again i give self a kick up the backside with the other foot lol,thanks about plants, though they could be better if the bloody weather would just warm up, i been in tracky dacks and big jacket again all day today,im just about over this extended winter im getting,need warmer days


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

wha+ is goin on wi+h qld wea+her a+ mo

same +ime in 2017 las+ed 5 mins before breaking ou+ mis+ing bo++le wi+h li++le fan on 2 make life bearable

las+ 2 weeks kep+ same flannee shir+ on, go++a be record 4 me as i'm one of +hose ho+ blooded buggers ca'n+ ever cool down

el-ninio, global warming, qld drug force, +ake ure pick, all suck

i'm sure we will pai +he piper come chrissie +ime

go++a keep a smile while i+'s nice and cool

i'm sure i'll lose smile on 5+h +hough


please do'n+ go paranoid ppl as probs mi own s+upidi+ee in sharing mi exci+emen+ and being complacen+

do'n+ be brash, or +alk abou+ s+ash and use cash also never flash


humble bob :jail:

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The fish shit water is coming from the pond i made a few months back but a tank or anything that holds a body of water will work fine,ive got about twenty gold fish and few guppies in there and the process is feed em a shit load of fish food,lil worms even crushed up dog bickies,feed em heaps so they shit a lot lol and thats it really its ready to go after a few weeks,i just use 2litre bottles so i know how much each plant is getting and they fit easy through the rio mesh ive got over the pond,,,p.s crushed up dog bickies are like steriods for fish or at least for there turds anyways lol lol


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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