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Thanks soot,yeah the soil is so rich and airy here that the plants barely missed a beat after transplanting,very red any very rich in nutrients but i say any soil can be turned into good soil with just a bit of compost and some good manure can just about cure mo st soils and little bit of love of course lol you got any plants going sooty ?


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I wish I had your space gq

I would love to sell up and move to a few acres with a really big shed but the wife won't move too far from the kids,our son lives near tumut and the older daughter is thinking of moving to qld that leaves our youngest but I'm sure she'd follow us, they don't take us into consideration when they decide to move and I don't expect them to after all it's their life


But for some reason we can never think of moving

Could sell this have enough left over to live a nice lifestyle up the coast in a small town , I'll just keep trying I suppose might get more leverage if one does move to qld we could move right in the middle of them all

Ah I'm dreaming again



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

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