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Silly thing is ive already had 2lots of antibiotics that havent seemed to do anything and no doubt they will load me up with another lot today, balance is really bad i fell of the ladder a few days back checkin the girls no major damage but it could have been worse, ive been walking into things like walls and corners over and under estimating distances so ive been avoiding drive if i can help it


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Yeah ive been a bit off SE, il pick some goods at chemist on way home


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

While we're on the subject, anyone who regularly takes extra strong pain relief that has codeine such as panadine forte, will need a prescription to buy from February. My mum just made me drive her down the street to get some for her hip. I swear they thought I was using her to get drugs they asked that many fucking questions to get a box.


Anyway, limit is a box every 5 days or something and chemists are selling out... There's ya daily dose of useless info

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Yes i know ive been taking them for 20+ years ive always needed a script for fortes but have always been able get panadiene 15s o r less over the counter, anyways ive been stocking up, its just another way they can get money out of you, so after feb it will cost 75bucks to see a doc for 15buck pack of pain tabs its ridiculous , yep thats going to be a big help to pain sufferers


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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