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Hey billy similar to small plant as long as you can keep most of the dirt base intact and water in well straight after you put it in the the ground, i find theres very little shock at all ya lose a leaf here and there but thats not a problem, my sals were a hole other issue though because i had to make a decision about there position move or take the risk of not getting enough light in the existing position so i decided to move them,these sals were already well established in the ground and i just put the pitch fork under them ripped the roots off and walked them to the new hole covered them over with dirt and watered in well but i didnt time the weather very well and the next few days after doing that were the hottest 3days ive had this year and with out having established roots they suffered heat stress pretty bad i lost at least half of all the leaves on every plant that 3weeks ago and theyve recovered pretty good considering what i put them through, go sal cant keep a good girl down lol i started with 8 ive still got 7 with a couple of suspect males, usually i try and wait off till ive a couple over cast or rainy days to do all transplanting they just respond better as opposed to scorching sun strait up after a transplant thats what i do anyways


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