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apprecia+e ure hones+ee ma+e

gazza's gonna blow us all aweigh wi+h supa phan+om spiderman au+o buds

u migh+ even bring chris+al (gazza no.1) in 2 +he fold

wo'n+ be able 2 argue +hen

she's go+ aalllllll  answers                                                                                                                                                     a

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  On 12/01/2018 at 11:10 AM, afgahn bob said:

apprecia+e ure hones+ee ma+e

gazza's gonna blow us all aweigh wi+h supa phan+om spiderman au+o buds

u migh+ even bring chris+al (gazza no.1) in 2 +he fold

wo'n+ be able 2 argue +hen

she's go+ aalllllll  answers                                                                                                                                                     a

Being honest is all i know, gets me in the shit all the time


I just don't get the point of auto's, there not quicker then clones, use way more power and produce SFA compared to a good reg/fem strain 

maybe i'm missing something ? 


Hope you blokes pull of some magnificent grows, like our good mate Gazza the great

Edited by pedro de pacas
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i hear ure words bro+her

main +hing i like em 4 is high cbd con+en+,+ hc is righ+ up +here as well

u do'n+ have 2 ferk around wi+h 12-12

i+'s almos+ se+ and 4ge+

also 2 harves+s 2 pho+os one

down side is u do'n+ ge+ 2 pinch em ou+ and bulk em up like pho+os

so u jus+ grow more of em

gene+ic wise +hehave come a long weigh, more mould resis+ance, more resilian+ 2 pes+s and heaps more po+en+

s+ill u can lead a horse 2 wa+er

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Digaster longmani is the name of the giant earth worms found in nsw and qld gaz i looked it up, doesnt get to the same size as the gippsland worms that have been recorded at 4metres rather this species only gets to around half that size 1 to 2metres which is still and absolutely huge for a earthworm,aint nature crazy sometimes


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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