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Hey all, ive had 2 grows before but always ended up having to abandon them...They only got about a week old so i wasn't to bothered though.


I don't smoke much at all but enjoy growing heaps. My mate gave me some seeds from some good weed he had once. So anyway after giving some to another mate i ended up with 2 bagseeds (dont laugh haha). I planted them both in my backyard (in pots) not last Tuesday but the Tuesday before. One sprouted on the Sunday after it was planted that Tuesday and the other i have given up on now. So i didn't use and special sprouting methods just read this site extremley throughouly and made my own decision.


Now this seedling would be 1 week 2 days old, the first set of 'proper' leaves are massive (well compared to the rest of the plant) and it looks out of proportion but the bigger the better haha. The second set have just covered the first 'round' leaves today. I can now see a third set of leaves starting to appear kinda. The pot it is in now is small but has holes so the roots can grow out of the bottom. They are just starting to do this. Not to worry though as they are just growing into more soil as i have a small pot within a bigger one to hide from parents (i really need to move out haha).


My spot in my yard is great right now and recives so much sun. My first pot drains really well and then (by accident) my soil in the bigger one drains slower this is good though i think.


Yesterday i had a scare it was crap weather all Sunday then rained all day yesterday. A great idea hit me though, there was hardly any sun as it rained ALL day but i decided i would put a clear lunchbox type container over my lil girl (hopefully a girl) so it got the light (hardly any) without the massive drops punding it and soaking its soil all day, worked a treat i must say. I had a fluro light setup in my bathroom this morning ready to transport inside incase today was like yesterday (in the fear 3 days of crap light would kill her). Today turned out a nice day and things are going well though.


Anyway i have just posted this to let you guys know how i am going since all these topics have provided me with SO MUCH information helping me. And i only really have one question how high?, or how many leaves? should i let my plant get before i can transport it to the bush.



Thanks to all


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