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Getting Info Before I start

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Hey, I've been wanting to grow plants for quite a while now, I have gatherd up alot of information from sites about how to grown and want to do but all I am looking for is just a basic guide of how to keep you plant alive, like I have what soils and what nutrients to give, but no one has said how many times do I need to water a day(I live in Sydney) and what the basic seeds are or what the hell these mean:

Pure Indica

Mostly Indica


Mostly Sativa

Pure Sativa


People say bag seed but WTF is that? is a mix of different seeds or something, I can't find it on www.cannagenetics.com. Anyhow if anyone has a guide to how to get your plant going, keeping it going and when/how to harvest that would be a great help for me.

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Watering is hard to say definitively. Are you growing indoors or outdoors? What kind of setup do you have?


As a rough rule of thumb, for outdoors you can get away with watering like any other plant in your garden, indoors the soil/medium can dry off on top realy quick, especialy with the hotter grow lights, but still be wet underneath, you don't want to water too much so if your plants aren't too big you can stick your finger down the side of your pot and test the soil but if they are bigger you might break some roots doing this. Have a look at the bottom of the pot, if there is lots of moisture in the drainage holes it's probably got enough water for the moment.


They don't like wet feet but they don't like bone dry soil either.


Bag seed is the seed you get from out of the smoko you get in a bag, not real good, but so much better than nothing.


Indica and Sativa are the two major strains. Indica is short, fat and well suited to growing indoors in confined space and will give you a real heavy, couchlock kinda feel, you know, when you want to change the chanel but it's too much hassle to push the button on the remote. Sativa is long and has smaller buds and is suited to outdoors growth and will give you a light and airy feel, sort of like a champagne drunk compared to a beer drunk. This is not a hard and fast rule though, you can grow short fat plants outdoors and long, lanky ones indoors. The mixes in between are the result of breeding to get the best traits from both types.


For outdoors, plant now and next winter you will see results. For indoors you control the envirironment so you can plant anytime, start on long light periods to get the plant big enough (18+ hours/day) and when you want to produce heads cut the lights to shorter periods (12- hours).


All this is general info and you can get tons more info here and elswhere. Don't be afraid to start with bag seed, it's good practice and at least it costs less and is cleaner than buying a bag.


Have fun and good luck. :P

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