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I Wanna Smash Something Decent Out...

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We have had this dance, do you really want to have it again, lol

"TWO NICK NAMES" interesting, who is the other one


When u have paranoia and u have been posting pictures of illegal grows for over a decade it does play on your mind, is there a bloke behind a desk compiling your history.... hence the 3 nick names! but fuck me its a wonder i didnt blow u kisses in a private msg asking if i can sit on your lap

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When u have paranoia and u have been posting pictures of illegal grows for over a decade it does play on your mind, is there a bloke behind a desk compiling your history.... hence the 3 nick names! but fuck me its a wonder i didnt blow u kisses in a private msg asking if i can sit on your lap

Don't worry Gazza I've got a few nicknames for you, lol





only joking

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Charming .

This site just goes to shit on a regular basis .. I keep getting told it was once different, but most the bullshit comes from regular long term members and not just Trolls. And some new idiots that troll from post to post ,having little digs and snipes for what ever reason ..

Its the forum that's lost it's charm... 

As for Puppet boy he's a fucking cock head who's never grown a plant but think's he's an expert in chinese lighting because he brought one and it turned on..

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This site just goes to shit on a regular basis .. I keep getting told it was once different, but most the bullshit comes from regular long term members and not just Trolls. And some new idiots that troll from post to post ,having little digs and snipes for what ever reason ..

Its the forum that's lost it's charm... 

As for Puppet boy he's a fucking cock head who's never grown a plant but think's he's an expert in chinese lighting because he brought one and it turned on..


You aren't doing much right here to brighten the place up yourself. Just be the bigger man and ignore all the people you don't want to interact with. I'm only even responding to this because I have seen some of your other posts and you do have something to contribute. If you think someone is an idiot, just move on to the next post instead of getting angry about it too.


That goes for everyone, no need to be internet tough guys, we all know most keyboard warriors are just that and nothing more.

Edited by hydrochronic
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