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Seedlings help first time

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Hey lads,


First time grow here, just want to ask what you guys reckon my problem might be, it broke it's first leaves out about 6 days ago and really hasn't grown in the last 2 days, I thought it would've had its second set of leaves by now.


Looks kinda yellow all over, I've been giving weak quarter strength nutrients for the last 2 days because I thought it might be nitrogen deficiency, hasn't really improved yet, does have fair few roots coming out the bottom of the rockwool plug.


Any ideas 48edca34733dfadad99af960a066ae1a.jpg


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Your worrying to much...

And it is because you have it in rockwool ..maybe cool temps too......... its young let it grow 

Yes it should look healthier but not all seeds are the same some ...well...sometimes  some are just poor.... .and slow and I am noticing this with inbreeding and feminization of seeds

Pot it up and give it some seasol.

You shouldn't need to feed any seedling under 14 days and even then only micronutrients if your desperate to do something.

And you probably have overwatered it . 


;) goodluck

Edited by cardrona
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Get some seasol from Bunnings for 13 bucks and give them 0.3ml to a 500ml bottle of water and spray the plant do this twice a day for 2 - 3 days see how they go. should be nice a green again.

Just a heads up you really need to provide a little more info.. Like watering times, is that hydro or is there soil under the clay balls?What lights do you have? Do they have good airflow??  This way we can help you more.

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Get some seasol from Bunnings for 13 bucks and give them 0.3ml to a 500ml bottle of water and spray the plant do this twice a day for 2 - 3 days see how they go. should be nice a green again.


Just a heads up you really need to provide a little more info.. Like watering times, is that hydro or is there soil under the clay balls?What lights do you have? Do they have good airflow??  This way we can help you more.




FFS, bahahahahaha pmsl lmfao *falls down* ... seasol aint really got any nitrogen in it. ... how on earth will it green up that seedling ? i think you meant a few drops of charlie carp to 500mls sprayed twice a day when it is coolest.... Rockwool cube shouldnt always be drenched either.



Edited by _Puff_Tough_
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Seasol is a tonic... it will green it up ...the seedling isn't well


  • It helps to increase nutrient uptake, so when fertilisers are applied they are much more effective.
  • Besides it is young you will kill it if you over fert it .
  • Its not N its too much water by the looks of it ..pot it up
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