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CBD oil how to get it in Melbourne



7 answers to this question

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"...a lot of people talking about it in the states ..." Yep, in the states. That's 'cos it's legal in some American states(at the moment anyway). Trump has put a new man in as the Drug Czar and he wants to change the laws back.

Here in Oz it's still illegal. Here in Oz, as Cardrona says "Grow it and make some", alternatively, get on a plane and go to the US, but don't be bringing it back if you return. The penalty for importation will get you another holiday with a cell mate called Bubba lol

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"...a lot of people talking about it in the states ..." Yep, in the states. That's 'cos it's legal in some American states(at the moment anyway). Trump has put a new man in as the Drug Czar and he wants to change the laws back.

Here in Oz it's still illegal. Here in Oz, as Cardrona says "Grow it and make some", alternatively, get on a plane and go to the US, but don't be bringing it back if you return. The penalty for importation will get you another holiday with a cell mate called Bubba lol

All good guys!! Sorted!!
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"...a lot of people talking about it in the states ..." Yep, in the states. That's 'cos it's legal in some American states(at the moment anyway). Trump has put a new man in as the Drug Czar and he wants to change the laws back.

Here in Oz it's still illegal. Here in Oz, as Cardrona says "Grow it and make some", alternatively, get on a plane and go to the US, but don't be bringing it back if you return. The penalty for importation will get you another holiday with a cell mate called Bubba lol

I thought CBD oil was sold as food in all countries except aus and nz

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