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Doctors get the green light .SA

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"First SA doctor approved to prescribe marijuana"

'OHH GREAT, Brilliant fantastic, even amazing' well that's what I thought too

Then you find out, it's all a talk fest.

In SA you have to be dying, you have to have exhausted all 'conventional' options and are being treated by one of the three (3) specialists who have applied to supply a prescription.

Terminal Cancer, HIV, Degenerative Multiple Sclerosis and treatment-resistant epilepsy are the only conditions being considered.

Then they say:- "...23 authorised prescribers of medicinal cannabis in Australia, including 21 in New South Wales and two in Queensland..."


And SA has approved dr's, great, now what????? Presently there is only one(1)approved specialist and only two other specialists(2) have applied.

OK, so let's look on the bright side woohoo, the cogs of democracy are moving. But, sorry, don't be holding your breath.

I've even tried getting a referral but no one knows who the approved specialist is.

This is all a political mindgame. Have a big news conference, announce it to the world, with very little detail. The AMA have to have their say too of course. And what's their say I hear you ask... "...strong regulation for medicinal cannabis products..." maybe I'm being cynical (and believe me I wish I wasn't) but that sounds very much like pharmaceutical cannabis products like Sativex or Marinol. There is no mention of GVM.

This is going to be lllooonnnggg drawn out process before we can have plant based meds legally.

I hope, wish, even pray that I'm wrong, but this is government we are talking about.



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Man up people its your life, you're responsible for it nobody else

Fuck the govenments, I havn't used painkillers for 25 years or any other pills, only pot, and I don't feel the need to ask permission from a bunch of traitors or stnuc or whatever you call them

Common law, not socialist slavery is what we need

Edited by kickarse
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Another article of interest, regarding all the redtape we'll need to navigate thru



P.S. "Man up people" Yea great idea. NOT.

For some families (and individuals too for that matter) it ain't a case of 'manning up'. I have not been able to grow for many years now due to my health. It has only been because of my 'self stores' that I've been able to manage my situation. This is not by choice, this is not a case of not having the balls nor ability, this has simply been because I have physically not been able too. So to simplify the dilemma of having supply by saying "Man up" would be like me telling you to have a conscience. Every person's situation is different, so "Man up" ain't every man's option nor solution.


This may sound a bit rude, but then so does the statement "Man up people". Uninformed opinions don't help.

Edited by merl1n
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