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Anyone here tried a wet cure? I grew a nice Cookies Kush (GSC x OG Kush) but due to the heavy rain periods and cooler temps some of the thicker flowers were showing signs of mould. I ended up doing some googling and decided to try a wet cure. Completely submerged the dried flowers in jars of water, lid open, changing the water daily until the water ran clear. Dried and re-jarred. Looks and smells like shit, apparently smokes real smooth and the high is not affected. I'm not using at the moment so can't confirm this for myself...


Edit: forgot to mention, the wet cure supposedly kills the mould as it starves it of oxygen...

Its not worth the risk, mould Botritis & if you see any spider web from spider mites.,Indoor you can bomb the plant till kingdom come ( you know what bombing is I hope) once you see even a whisp of web. Burn the plant, throw it out do not smoke it same with Botritis flower worms.... Cannabis is not physically addictive, why don't you can't get physically addicted ? Because most addictive drugs ( all of em from the research I've done) are water soluble, that's why a smack head gets withdrawals for example and meth amphetamines & Coke etc are water soluble . Thc and the other active ingredients are stored in your fat, so you can't physically withdrawal from something that stays in your body for months. Go for a run or some other anaerobic type of exercise that burns fat. When you finished your " jog" for eg: you get rewarded with endorphins, if you have ganja in your system you'll get high as well, by burning fat your ingesting the thc etc in your fat as well. Not many smokers I know work out though, but try it. It works. Also there's a vid on YouTube of a guy proving that you can't overdose on ganja, he smokes 72% thc has oil, an ounce if it oil rig after oil rig dab. He smokes the entire ounce and is still very functional very smashed but function able , look it up you can then show the idiots that think it's a killer drug what really happens. In the US every 19 minutes someone dies from prescription medicine . Cannabis has killed no one in Millenia. Its 4000 years since the Chinese went through Kazakhstan the birthplace of ganja, the Chinese saw the benefits, then it spread all over the known world ( the Chinese use male cannabis, for constipation. Not for anything else except rope ) It truly has very lil effect if any. If you get high off male cannabis you have a super low tolerance , I envy you. I smoke ten grams a day, of some of the finest genetics on the planet. I don't get high or stoned at all, but it almost stops my pain completely . The higher the CBD the better. I wish I could have a super low tolerance so could have a toke of joint and be smashed some people , you guys don't know how lucky you are.
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