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<_< How close can i get to my plants without frying them, I have a 400w

son-t agro light and at the momment I have it about 3' away

3' is a bit too far away.


To set the light to grow height, start at a safe distance above the plants (approx 45cm for 400w, 90cm for 600w, 1200cm for 1000w), hold your hand palm down level with the top of the plant for a few minutes. If it feels too hot on the back of your hand the light is too close, if cool then it's too far away. If it's pleasantly warm and it feels as if you could hold your hand there all day then it's OK.



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22-26 deg you should be able to get it pretty close personaly i would go 6 inch but once the light is lowered this close you will lose light around the out side of your chamber etc.. 3 foot is way to far! if u leave it at this point you will hav very lanky plants with small buds that doing join to make big crowns i would say lower your lamp to 10 inch see how it goes if your ok with it a few days later lower it abit more remember mature plants can take it but smaller plants cant
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22-26 deg you should be able to get it pretty close personaly i would go 6 inch but once the light is lowered this close you will lose light around the out side of your chamber etc.. 3 foot is way to far! if u leave it at this point you will hav very lanky plants with small buds that doing join to make big crowns i would say lower your lamp to 10 inch see how it goes if your ok with it a few days later lower it abit more remember mature plants can take it but smaller plants cant



i moved the light 12in away and added 4 24in growlux fluro's around the out side of the plants a mouse must of got in last night and it must have tryed to get out through the exhuast fan while it was on what a mess

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