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Outdoors now ?- SE QLD - Possible?

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Hi there !

What a nice forum you got !! Congratulations !!


I'm new in Australia and I leave in Oakey (2.5 hours west from Brisbane). I was wondering if it is possible to have a successful outdoor crop if I germinate now and the plants will be under full sun (no shade) all day long.

I'm an experimented grower but not familiar at all with Australian conditions...so any help/tip will be much appreciated.


Btw I heard some people around this ares harvest ever three months is this possible ? Anyone keen to explain how it works ?


Many thanks in advance !

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Hey Melic, welcome to OS.


Might be worth being a bit more cautious with stuff like location details on a forum like this, but it's up to you.


Starting now they will grow for a short veg period before going into flower.  I've done it before and ended up with a 70-80cm plant with medium sized branches and fully developed buds, so it's not a problem except for smaller plant and potentially later than normal harvest time, but up in QLD you may be safe from frosts for that long anyway.


Best of luck :peace:

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Queenslander here, from my experience I'd say early December to grow something from seed at the very latest.


That said, if you were prepared to give them full Sun all day and brought them in at night once the night temps drop below 20c while in they're in the vegetative state (leave them out once you want them to bud in a frost-free area) , you might get away with it. But if you intend to leave them outside permanently, early December is about the cut-off point from my experience.


From Rockhampton down to the border to the South, that is.

Edited by Indycar
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Hi all !!!


Many thanks for your answers and tips.

As I do not have any other option I will try my first outdoors down under and see what happens. I will keep on eye on the thermometer and if the temperatures drop below 20 I will kept them inside at night time.


Any other tip or past experience growing around this time of the year in this area is more than welcome!



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Please keep us updated with pics? I would keep her in a pot and bring her in at night for the veg stage to prevent her from going into flower straight away. Alternatively you could put a light on her outside to make up a total of more than 12hrs of light per day. Good luck and happy growing!


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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