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Coco-Basis run down

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I just brought some dutch master hot coco.


Basically how do i prepare this before putting a plant in it?

does it have to sit for a few days to grow some bio?

do i use biobugs type of thing?

what to use to prevent root rot in coco.

What ph do I use for the initial flushing(it says to run water through it until it runs clears, which I have already done.


how about nutes? normal hydro nutes?

can I use this in a wick setup where its in a pot which is in a container with 1 inch of water.

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Hey Ferengi, you gotta soak the coco first. I'd be mixing it with a minimun of 30%-40% perlite, and a good source just told me with some clay balls down the bottom :D As for nutes, use Dutchmaster's Hot Coco part A+B, I did well with it. A dripper system could be the way to go mate, and I'd think about running something like Dutchmaster's Guardian through the system too, it helps protect against root rot and that kinda shit. Biobugs are good, I've been using predator mites after we had some spidermite and I found em to be tops :thumbsup You'd want something to keep scarid fly (fungus gnat) away though. Make sure you use preventitive measures like Mortein insect and moth strips, and yellow sticky traps. Hope that helps man :P
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Hey Ferengi, you gotta soak the coco first. I'd be mixing it with a minimun of 30%-40% perlite, and a good source just told me with some clay balls down the bottom :P  As for nutes, use Dutchmaster's Hot Coco part A+B, I did well with it. A dripper system could be the way to go mate, and I'd think about running something like Dutchmaster's Guardian through the system too, it helps protect against root rot and that kinda shit. Biobugs are good, I've been using predator mites after we had some spidermite and I found em to be tops :thumbsup  You'd want something to keep scarid fly (fungus gnat) away though. Make sure you use preventitive measures like Mortein insect and moth strips, and yellow sticky traps. Hope that helps man :P


i am a newcomeer and i am using coco medium and the a and b nutrients

i cant really compare it except to bush


it is probablly a fluck but it is firing on all four cyligers so far

regards ivan

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Yoh grower man. Get the real deal and grow dutch man. Get some dutch coconut like canna coco. u donnt need to soak it or anythin like that. u dont need to m ix perlite or anythin like that. just strait outa the bag man. way to go. im getin 600 gram for evey 600w light. got 50 on the genny. no f&%¤ng around. get canna coco a and b too. not switchin man. the dutch are the master growers man. i should now i live there every few months¨. they got the reel deal.
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its fucking coconut husk.. cant see how much better its gonna vaired..

lable to lable... bunnings has the blocks for $1.95 for 20ltrs i think..


- too moist.. less waterings more perlight..


just throw your fucking plants in there..

they fucking grow in dirt man.. how specifc do u wanna get :P..

u guys a r crackup..

Edited by ilivewithplants
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Coco Coir is a little different than Coco Peat and bunnings sell coco coir for 2.50 or something , they actually have two types which I have used for my mushrooms a few times , they have the regular and the slow release fert, it is not quite the same as the stuff you get from coco peat or conna though , it is PURE husk to add to a a mix to which is what you get if you guy coco COIR , where as the canna and cocpeat.com coco is cocopeat, which includes fine peat in there mix, I have tried both and I think that coco peat is the better option


BUT saying that it is possible to make up your own coco peat with some of that cheaper coco coir and some peat moss , to make the peatmoss fine you can just mesh it through a pasta straner if need be, do that to about a 50 50 or 60 40 ration you will have some great coco peat ready to do with what you want


the mix I have found I like best is a 60% coco and 40% perlite mix , I also add an inch of clayballs to the bottom of my pots so no water stores there and creates wet feet for the plants , I found this to be a problem when using HID and large pots , the top 3/4 of the soil would dry out ok but the bottom would stay wet meaning I could water but risk drownign my girls over a longer period, now that I use the clayballs though I am able to water every 4 hours without any sort of issue, I have used perlite to do this and it worked well aswell but clayballs where definatly better in this situation


hope that helps some of you



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nice info ppl cocopeat is nice stuff bunnings sells richgro cocopeat for 1.95 which says 100 organic no added chemicals neutral to acidic ph(my tests came up spot on neutral) conatined no mined peat derived from coconuts.This has to be mj medium bargain of the century.I made a organic mix up with this stuff about 1/3 perlite 1/3 coco and soil, bloodn bone etc I tried the worm castings from bunnings. I think there recycled sewage(no thanks)this mix when wet bounced like a big jelly.Iam thinking this has to be all the air it stored as well water.Nice Iam doing dwc now but I would love to do a organic coco grow.1 step closer to real outdoor dank. Iam sure if i had more money then I got now I would go a full canna coco grow. They have done a lot of r&d on it they pull it off with out pearlite even. Not for cash cropers I could amagine dwc would beat it yeild wise but nice quality I would think. canna uses special preconnditioners in there mix to address the alcalinity of ther coco.

Galuku seems to have a very similar setup to canna except canna says to disregard runoff test results.I wonder who ripped off who .Perhaps the sytem as been around for ages...........GC

Edited by green cell
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