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sorry i dont have any pics to show but my babies are all starting to wilter and die off :D and i think it has something to do with my globe as everything else is in good order :scratchin


anyways the newer leaves are starting to burn at the tips and as they become the lower leaves they are dying off...


im growing in a wardrobe about 4ft long x 1.5ft wide x 6ft high and am using a 400watt hps that i got off a friend of a friend :P im growing in soil, have 1 door open usually for the entire time the light is on, have a 40cm fan blowing over the plants and its the ducks offspring that are burning at the tips but all my other strains are still turning yellow and dying off at the lower leaves...


at first i thought it could be a nutrient problem so i flushed the plants 3 waterings in a row, every 3 days....gave them 4 days to dry out and they were still like that ;) i then gave them 1/4 strength vege nutrients and they picked up a bit in their growing but are still acting as before and im stumped :scratchin


any ideas would be greatly appriciated as this is going to be a major problem come harvest time if it continues...

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Hmmmm.......could be a root problem man. Nothing flying around your babies? No insects around the stem near the base? I'm thinking of fungus gnat, that can make your girls droop and wilt. So can root rot, which can be a problem associated with fungus gnat.

How far off harvest are you? If your plants are Sativa dominant, the leaves will yellow and die as flowering progresses, and your plants use up the available nutrients in the leaves.

Haven't got a pic for us man? :D

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ducks offspring is ducksfoot (50/50) x bluebuerry (80/20)


i did notice a few black bugs crawling about on the surface of the soil, then when disturbed they try and fly away....believe i killed most of them off as i havent seen any in about a week...


i shouldnt be any more than a week off from determining the sex of the bigger ducks offspring, the smaller has atleast a month....have also put in ak-17 and white russian into the grow :thumbsup


basically im after cuttings, once i have them its hydro all the way with nothing but females :smoke but with this happening to my plants already im starting to doubt its a good idea to even bother trying for a harvest without getting this shit fixed up :angry:

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IMO the light will make the plants yeild less and may even if the bulb is bad enough cause some yellowing.

I dont think it would cause the plants to wilt or anything.

You say your using soil, what soil? whats its PH and nutirent content?? does it contain compost, or anything.

if the soil is unsuitable NO amount of flushing will fix this. also did you test the EC of the water going in the soil to that running out of the bottom?

What PH did your flushing water have?


If the tips are burning then im thinking either the light is too close and the plants getting too hot, or it has some sort of a nutreint problem. Could be a simple thing like ph levels too far out. causing lockout.


What do you water them with? tap water is best, and the tap water should be adjusted to the correct ph levels. or if you have no PH tester at least a few drops of PH down.


If I had plants like that in soil I would give them a feed with some superthrive.


all guessing without pics though.

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its a soil problem :thumbdown


i have been using big w soil, not sure of the brand now but the ak and wr seedlings are in different soil and are lovely and green :thumbsup


im getting blueberry cuttings shortly and will be moving these plants out once sex is determines and i can take cuttings :thumbsup


anyways thanks everyone, your knowlege is greatly respected :D

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