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proper use of a sulo bin

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I made one kinda similar a few years back but base was taller and bottom section of base was a wicking bed(made with slotted drain pipe/perlite). I painted the outside white so that it wouldnt bake in the sun. For the handle I drilled two holes and fed rope through 1 hole, next I threaded short(15cm) length of gardenhose on the rope and knotted it to make a handle so the rope doesn't cut.burn your hands. Then thread through the drilled hole and knot off.


Is that your build mungass?

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Yeah tis , for some reason the pic is on its side, when you click on it , it rights itself, I worked

on the size to suit a large bag of bunnings top veggie herb mix.

Note the willie wagtail, she is on the second hatching of her six chicks , just pulled a male with the most awesome root system I have ever seen so the bins must be sufficient .


Sent from my T-Hub2 using OZ Stoners mobile app

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