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Our primeminister and the Department of Health just called cannabis a

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But according to the TGA cannabis has no known health benefits?




FULL: http://indaily.com.au/news/2017/01/17/turnbull-rules-out-medical-cannabis-amnesty/



“The Department of Health is concerned that patients are treating themselves with a powerful medicine sourced from the illicit market,” he said.

“There are no controls over the safety and quality of medicines bought in this way.”

Edited by Xanode
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Our government is conspiring with big pharma!

Why do you think Susan ley turned tail and ran like fuck!

When she first said"I have nothing to hide"ah bullshit she has plenty to hide !

She was the one that did a deal with wg pharma in uk.

What a dispicable excuse for a human being.

Come on journos dig some dirt on the wg pharma scam that aussie politicians are involved in!


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Multiple bills in 2016 and now 2017 in Australia all do the same thing each worse than the last.


1) Redefine Cannabis - from a plant to a suite of pharmaceutical products that do not need to include Cannabis and can include synthetics so not even from a plant - Government promised medical Cannabis you got it job done -

2) Lower the benchmark of what trafficking is and increasing the penalties for Cannabis in the process. - e.g. Melbourne law was 15 years selling to a kid within 300m of a school. Changed in 2016, to within 500m of a school and can be to anyone adult to adult out of school hours etc. laws were passed in feb 2016, and still not notified to the public, but on the government web sites.

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 Personally i am sick of hearing about this.  Australians are pussies who sit back and let government take more and more power til we have non at all.. Aussies do not hold pollies accountable which gives them the real power. Take a look at the expenses scandal..  Its been swept under the carpet because they are all pathetic little criminals and they are all guilty. They have no morals and every single one of them live like kings and queens just on the entitlements alone. First class all the way, Nothing but the best for Australian pollies.  They fact we allow it makes me sick and gives me no hope that Australia will ever change regarding cannabis unless it's for political revenue.  Of course it has heath benefits but then again they have known that as long as we have. Pharma are the ones who pay millions per year promote anti cannabis laws.


We'll just be the source of revenue and nothing will change.  Politics is about nothing more than getting that huge pay check, entitlements, immunity, early retirement, Lifetime pension and donations. The lord mayor of Brisbane has a higher wage the the president of the USA.


Australia is never going to change. they have us under thumb and we have allowed it.


Just my .05c

Edited by Stiritup420
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And here's an update





And then there's the pom's "4 years without... ...Bongs" WTF lol lol lol "...It can't be right says UK PM May" lol


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