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Deregistered and Defiant - All In The Public Interest

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so who does ? who is willing to get a be hammered by the media 24/7, we need wankers like him cause he can speaks wanker language and we all know wankers run the joint


Not this money grubbing, self serving, cult leader styled, dodge merchant.  He is less of a friend to genuine medicinal cannabis than Lucy Haslam FFS.  I understand where you're coming from, and what you're getting at, but having charlatans leading the charge on any issue is never, ever, a good thing.  Anybody who is anti canna reform that has a good hard look into his history will find him to be an absolute goldmine of propoganda for their cause.


There have been many discussions on this prick within our forums, do a search and have a read up on why we have it in for him.  Not only "not a dr", also not a good man.


Unfortunately you are right, in that we do need people who not so much "speak their language", but are acceptable within the right wing media as well.  But aside from ending up with a super narrow minded view ala Haslam, it still won't get past the fact that pollies only listen to the money that funds their struggle to grasp onto some power, and that money has already changed hands.

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From what I have seen, the most success has been from Lanai Carter and the Medical Cannabis Advisory Group. They are credible, intelligent, in favour of full plant Australian grown, cottage industry and/or not for profit and they understand the system and have had great success in what they have set out to achieve. Formally they were qld based, but now appear to be lobbying at a federal level.
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he was thrown out of the medical side because of unethical problems.


he lost his license to be a doctor anywhere in Australia because of unethical practices.


he injected a cannabis product he did not make or have any previous knowledge of.


this guy is the first person to cause a cannabis related death.. an you see him as a role model for future cannabis advocate status.??.


the one article alone should be enough for you to say hang on a second.. something not right with this guy.

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I can't understand the negativity you all seem to have toward this guy? Sir PsychoHashy, I did a search of this site and came up with only this article? Never heard anything negative about him apart from here.


He seems to be educated, articulate, and seems to know his stuff.


Well, lets see, ummmm, what Gumby said, plus:


The guy is more into self promotion and self righteousness, than anything else.  FFS, anyone who charges profit gouging prices for an illegal medicine they believe in, and then goes to the trouble of starting up a church as an institution to place himself and his business within, should be ringing a lot of alarm bells, sounds a lot like the start up of a cult to me, praying on the desperation of the vulnerable.


I couldn't be bothered trying to find all the posts/threads, but here's a couple he's come up in:






I know there's another one about his carry on at last years med canna symposium in Tamworth, and another about the very dodgy way in which he manufactures his "medicinal oil", amongst others.


It's good when people with credentials come out fighting for the cause, but just because that's what they appear to be doing on the surface doesn't mean that that's their motive, or that they are not counter productive to the cause.  Being pro something doesn't mean people should turn a blind eye to all the bad shit, but it does mean that those on the anti side can find plenty of ammo if there is bad shit.  So take a look at the guy's history without wearing canna coloured glasses, and you might see why he's not so popular around here.


He's had an education, and can be articulate, and on the surface he makes it sound like he knows his stuff until he's no longer allowed to carry on unchallenged, at which point he can start to look and sound like a bit of a nutter, not a good look.  Generally narcisistic loud mouths who can't abide anyone questioning their activities, who then start a supposed church are articulate and somewhat intelligent, but look at the history of what a lot of those churches turn into.  But this guy lost me long before that point by selling overpriced olive oil infused with black market cannabis, made on his kitchen floor.


But, feel free to love him, buy his stuff, and join his church, with a bit of luck I'll turn out to be extremely wrong.



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