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I haven't used straight perlite that much, and when I have used it, it's been as much for garden variety indoor plants, and general outside plants. Not just grass I mean. Advising anyone how much to water and when without being there, and even then, without living with the plants is fraught with problems.


I can't stress enough that I'm no expert with perlite, and I have considered similar problems as you are now. But, one thing that has always amazed me with the stuf,. is just how long you can let plants go without watering them at all, with no adverse effects to the plants.


I have gloxinias in perlite that go forever between waterings, and show no ill-effect.


Just remember, over-watering will hurt the plants far quicker that under-watering them..no matter what your media is.



just reading this post on flushing and perlite and it is VERY IMPORTANT to flush the clay balls in the pot the put in your perlite and flush your perlite very well untill no more discouled water comes out, this is a great site and information galore
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