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sex on drugs

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personally, in my opinion and experience, when one smokes a large volume of weed, the straight/stoned line becomes blurred, and once this happens, laziness sets in. this is the general rule for most people i know anyway. so, i think pot definetely has the the potential to reduce sex drive. i know i've turned down my girl because i've been ripped out of my melon many a time. and so has she. on the other hand, for somebody who doesn't smoke a great deal, the effects are different. when i first started smoking, things that i liked whilst straight became 200 times more enjoyable whilst stoned - including erotic thoughts/acts.


the erotic thought when high, i think, is absolutely essential. the ability to STAY horny.


ecstasy these days is often full of weird and wonderful (and also unidentifiable) chemicals, that make the mind go from one emotion to another very quickly. one minute a girl can be feeling so desperately horny, so longing to be thrown around a bedroom that she near wets herself, to being ready to go to sleep the next minute. this is not good as sex takes a degree of concentration and compsure, if you know what i mean. I don't think i have ever had an orgasm on ecstasy, because we have both ended up too tired and dregged out as the hours go on, simply because our minds are going up and down from the drug. i've also experienced a bit of the old floppy joe on it as well, which really ain't good.


speed and meth on the other hand are designed to pretty much just accelerate the body's functions. my experience on amphetamine have pretty much just turned me into an animal that will fuck for eight hours or more depending on how much i've had. but it also allows your mind to be constantly alert, considering every aspect of the sexual situation, simply making you hornier and hornier, leading to some of the best and longest sex sessions you will ever have.


I think actually thinking about what you're going to do to your partner makes half the fun. and amphetamine well equips your mind AND body for this.

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