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All signs point to a corporate takeover of the marijuana industry by B

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Following months of negotiations and various offers, Germany-based Bayer has finally sealed the deal with Monsanto, purchasing the seed giant for $66 billion. The merger is reported to be the largest all-cash deal on record.

The purchase means a lot of things, and none of them good for consumers. For one, it strengthens the monopolization of the world’s food supply. It also means more genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and chemicals to be doused on them.

Now, some are predicting the merge could also mean the takeover of the marijuana industry. Monsanto has an intimate business relationship with Scotts Miracle-Gro, “a convicted corporate criminal– and Scott’s Miracle-Gro is trying to take over the marijuana industry,” according to Big Buds Mag.

Is Monsanto going after the pot industry?

Scott’s Miracle-Gro has looked to capitalize on the expanding pot industry in states where the plant has been legalized or decriminalized. The company’s CEO, Jim Hagadorn, stated his intentions to spend up to $500 million to completely buy out the marijuana industry.

A Scott’s Miracle-Gro front group has already purchased General Hydroponics, Botanicare and Gavita.

“Major hydroponics nutrients, lighting, soil, and other grow equipment manufacturers report they’ve also been offered takeover bids by Scotts Miracle-Gro or its ‘Hawthorne’ front company.

“Maximum Yield Magazine, which bans marijuana hydroponics nutrients company Advanced Nutrients from its indoor gardening expo events, welcomed a Monsanto affiliate into its Boston gardening expo several years ago.”

Bayer is of course playing a role in this planned monopolization, as well. The German chemical company does business with GW Pharmaceuticals, a company based in the United Kingdom that grows cannabis and produces medicines from its compounds.


Monsanto and Bayer share information on how to genetically engineer cannabis

Bayer sells some of GW Pharmaceuticals’ products, including Sativex, a costly medical cannabis spray that’s reported to work less effectively than naturally grown pot.

Both Monsanto and Bayer have a history of producing chemical weapons used in war and toxic products, including PCBs, DDT, Agent Orange, Roundup and GMOs.

Members of the cannabis industry have seen the writing on the wall in terms of the world’s seed monopolies’ interest in marijuana.

“Michael Straumietis, founder and owner of hydroponics nutrients company Advanced Nutrients, has constantly warned the marijuana community about Monsanto, Scotts Miracle-Gro, GMO marijuana, and corporate takeover of the marijuana industry.”

The two corporations, which have now merged into one, have agreed to share trade secrets about plans to produce genetically modified marijuana.

Monsanto investor George Soros attempts to legalize pot in Uruguay

“Bayer is partnered with GW Pharmaceuticals, which grows its own proprietary marijuana genetics. You can bet Monsanto and Bayer are interested in creating GMO marijuana,” said Straumietis.

Billionaire investor, George Soros, previously waged a campaign to legalize pot in Uruguay so that he could invest in the plant. Soros owns 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock.

“Straumietis says South American governmental insiders report that Monsanto is working there on genetically-modified cannabis, along with pharmaceuticalizing THC, other cannabinoids, and terpenoids.”

The hydroponics nutrients owner warns that if biotech giants get involved in the cannabis industry, they’ll monopolize it the same way they have the seed, medicine and agricultural chemical industries.

“These corporations have reduced the variety and availability of native seeds. They genetically modify crops so farmers have to buy new seeds every year, and use corporate chemicals like RoundUp to grow them. They’d do the same thing with GMO marijuana,” said Straumietis.



Original story here.

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Anybody want to have a look at the med canna legislation etc being enacted here in Aus in the context of the above shit, and then try and tell me that our government hasn't been in back room discussions with these corporate bastards well in advance of writing up and enacting the legislation?


Only thing I'm confused about is how the various states in the US have managed to achieve their legislative changes without these evil bastards corrupting it for their benefit.  I do however believe that they will lobby hard to get it all changed back to what they need in order to own the whole industry in the not too distant future, and they will succeed.


I wish I could believe the days of psuedo governing by big corporate of the western world are numbered, but they do basically completely own the governments who are the only institutions capable of doing anything about them.  Democracy is merely an illusion to keep the populace sedate, just like religion used to do.

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Anybody want to have a look at the med canna legislation etc being enacted here in Aus in the context of the above shit, and then try and tell me that our government hasn't been in back room discussions with these corporate bastards well in advance of writing up and enacting the legislation?


Only thing I'm confused about is how the various states in the US have managed to achieve their legislative changes without these evil bastards corrupting it for their benefit.  I do however believe that they will lobby hard to get it all changed back to what they need in order to own the whole industry in the not too distant future, and they will succeed.


I wish I could believe the days of psuedo governing by big corporate of the western world are numbered, but they do basically completely own the governments who are the only institutions capable of doing anything about them.  Democracy is merely an illusion to keep the populace sedate, just like religion used to do.

As to Big corporate owning Governments, I wonder if the reason for our (Australian) legislation is a trade deal?

Could it be that the USA has said " ...you can legalise but..." Forcing us to go through big pharma?


The States here in Australia could potentially follow individual States of the USA in the way that they have legalised. Finding a State Government that is willing to be the first is the difficult part. For my reading of Current and proposed state legislation is that, Tasmania will have the most lenient laws. The proof is in the pudding!


I think the context of the OP bothers me because some corporation, Monsanto, Shell, Chevron etc.will one day own a controlling share in the cannabis industry. Monsanto already own 66% of the world's food seed. They control who grows what, when and how. And all their seed is sterile, so you can't  save your own seed for the future.

Take over in a business sense is inevitable - Sell up or belly up - and cannabis is becoming a very attractive business.

It's my opinion that cannabis should be free.

Free for corporations to exploit for money if they are licensed etc.And people are silly enough to pay them to do it.

Free for every citizen to grow, produce and consume as they see fit. As it's been since day dot.

It should remain illegal for citizens to profit from cannabis. Give it away to friends and family but never sell it!



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The States here in Australia could potentially follow individual States of the USA in the way that they have legalised. Finding a State Government that is willing to be the first is the difficult part. For my reading of Current and proposed state legislation is that, Tasmania will have the most lenient laws. The proof is in the pudding!


Not a lawyer, but I'm fairly sure that the Federal Legislation provides a legal framework within which the States can enact their own legislation, but that legislation cannot go outside of the Federal Bill, which very effectively prevents anything like what's happened in the US.


I'm a cynical old bastard though.  Biggest problem with that is how often my cynicism turns out to be justified.

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I believe your cynicism is justified in this case. The Federal Government has no intention of making cannabis legal or available for  any other than the most sick and dying.


Currently we have 7 states with 7 different legal frameworks for cannabis, for example - In Tasmania for possession of less than 50g the police can caution the offender up to 3 times in 10 years. In SA a person found with less than 100g or 20g of hash and 1 non hydroponic plant could receive a fine of $50 - $150 with 60 days to pay.


Our states could change the the way gardeners and tokers are treated. Let's say between 2 and 5 non hydroponic plants = a caution. And possession of less than 100g = a caution.

This would mean, in almost all cases of personal gardening and use, that the police have very little to enforce. Thereby leaving the community alone.

I am no lawyer myself but can't see why this could not be achieved at a state level.

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