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U.S. Supreme will vote on medical marijuana

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In December, the U.S. Supreme Court will answer,"Can the government prosecute sick people who grow marijuana and it on the advice of a doctor?" This should be an easy answer....NO

The U.S Supreme Court is finally going to put a leash on asscroft....I mean Ashcroft when it comes to medical marijuana. If their vote is like mine. I think it morbid that Ashcroft wastes his time by trying to people in prison when they trying to relieve their pain. The last time I looked, Bin Laden and his group were still free, and there are violent crimes that Ashcroft can work on.

According to the Mail Tribune," The case of John Ashcroft vs. Angel Raich may determine the fate of the medical marijuana laws in nine states. Raich, who suffers from a brain tumor, uses homegrown marijuana to relieve her pain. This is legal under the Compassionate Use Act approved by California's voters. However, Ashcroft, the U.S. attorney general, says federal drug laws forbid all use of marijuana. Federal agents raided the homes of several Californian patients who grew their own."

"In the last decade, Chief Justice William Rehnquist, the comservative leader, has insisted on limiting federal power. Last year, the liberal 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals turned the tables. Relying on the logic of Rehnquist's opinion, it ruled the use of homegrown marijuana was beyond the federal authority because it did not involve interstate commerce."

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im quoting a cypress hill song, Dr Greenthumb....


"cant be growing without no permit, but fuck that i carry the 215 script, that way when they come, they can suck my dick"


now i was off the impression a few years back that california changed its laws to allow medical users to grow using this 215 thingy....


personally i dont study USA laws as their president is fucked in the head and is trying to get our country the same way...but if they have been granted permission to grow for medical use and have that 215 script, how the fuck can they get charged for growing?


USA has been fucked up since it was discovered...hell it has been run by drunken, war starting, prostitute loving morons since its first president AND they try and change the world to suit their countries interests without considering the other parties involved :thumbdown


deadset, i wouldnt care who it was, but if an aussie held this :D up next to george w bush then ran to be PM of australia, they sure as hell would get my vote :thumbsup

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The nine medical mj states are Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine,

Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. :smoke


I can't stand Bush or Cheney. At least Cheneys' parent gave him a good name......Dick. As for Bush I agree He's fucked in the head :D


As for the founding fathers of U.S, their probably rolling in their graves. Even George Washington grew mj in his fields.

Edited by loves420
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just bumped in to this:


NORML/NORML Foundation File Amicus Brief In Support Of Patients' Right To

Medicinal Marijuana


Washington, DC: NORML and the NORML Foundation filed a joint amicus

curaie brief with the Supreme Court this week on behalf of Angel Raich and

Diane Monson, two California medical marijuana patients.


In December, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an injunction

barring the Justice Department from prosecuting either Raich or Monson,

determining that the prosecution of patients who possess and cultivate

marijuana for their own personal use in accordance with state law is an

unconstitutional exercise of Congress' Commerce Clause authority. The

Justice Department appealed that ruling, and the Supreme Court is

scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case (Ashcroft et al. v. Raich et

al.) on November 29, 2004.


"This case is about the confluence of the state and individual rights: A

state's capacity to legislate its public health policy, by choosing its

own means and ends to achieve what it believes best serves the good of its

people, when there is no superior or even competing federal interest; and,

the right of personal medical choices of the chronically and terminally

ill, made in consultation with their doctors," states the brief, authored

by NORML Legal Committee member John Wesley Hall with assistance from

Michael Cutler.


The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), along with

the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and the Washington

Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, also signed on to the brief as

amici curaie.


"If our Constitution means anything, it should mean that 'the war on

drugs' cannot be made to be a war on the quality of life of the

chronically or terminally ill," it concludes.


"Sadly, ... the government believes in and promotes a constitutional

regime that enables the federal government to enforce its policies which

only serve to enhance patients' pain contrary to state law and in

denigration of the principles embodied in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments

and to elementary notions of federalism. This Court must reject any such

view of the federal law and the Constitution that violates the rights of

both citizens and the states to enact laws for their common good where

there is no federal interest and where the federal government expressly

disclaimed any interest in preemption under [federal law.]


For more information, please contact Keith Stroup, NORML Executive

Director, at (202) 483-5500. Full text of the NORML/NORML Foundation

amicus curaie brief is available online at:





I say free the weed now. the US government allows the sell of tobacco (poison) why not mj?


Edited by loves420
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