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Let's get this done! Lets stand up and be counted

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Yeah but if he can be president anything is possible

Trust me don't get me started on how fucked up he is but he is the president now and if so thing that stupid and fucked up can happen I mean surely u should be able to legalise a plant that's saving so many people and actually doing good



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thats very true i believe anything is possible even trump...   post-59644-0-27203600-1482385105_thumb.jpg


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Another example of the frustration and bewilderment at decisions being made by men and women charged with making decisions on our behalf, i mean seriously,  what the government did in this particular case is nothing short of breathe taking in its brazen nature they don't even try and hide it. Fair enough, the past is the past they did as much damage and spread as much misinformation and porkie pies as they could pushing Marijuana into the darkness trying to hide her away sullying her reputation with lurid stories. Turn now to 2016 and the government, they're still pedalling stories, still causing pain still criminalizing us taking away our freedoms and  dismissing considerable worldwide investment and years of science on a remarkable plant as having minimal effectiveness on not much more beyond children with epilepsy and patients in the end stages of disease, I'm not a lawyer but it sounds somewhat criminal, no bugger it,  It is criminal pure and simple.


People paralyzed by the illegalities of MMJ are getting frustrated. Why can't they get legitimate legal access to a plant that has been clearly proven to be compatible with our bodies on a cellular level. Much of the ground work is done, and we have missed the jump were destined to be asking American bud tenders what the must have delicacy stinking up a jar is right now, as our industry is prostituted out piece by piece to the highest bidder.  


While we debate,  they're giving awards and billions of dollars to individuals and institutions all over the world for canna innovation. Meanwhile we're lockin' 'em up,  ruining countless lives, forcing people against their wills to participate in government sponsored courses where they must denounce the wacky weed and promise to be better citizens in the future, i mean, are you serious? This has gone far beyond the many countless  pleas, concerns and sheer disbelief at what we are witnessing, i'm going to sign this petition because i am also disgusted at the goings on here disgusted enough to say enough is enough make canna legal. Make it legal across the board. Let us explore this awesome gift,  stop taking the piss or we'll simply vote you out. Then u can practice your heckling from the back bench, while you are in opposition government for the next 4 years.


3000 People have signed this petition, we need every single one of them even those who have not had the need to come into contact with cannabis yet, we need them to come and stand up with the rest of us,we need to build  we can force the Government into submission, we can take it out of their hands and force real change.


 i'm finding myself more and more driven by this everyday, i will sign every petition on this subject, i hope everyone will at least consider the possibility of a grand victory on 420 day saying to the rest of the world, well, we had to give you a head start didnt we? Now, who wants a Billy


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Yeah but if he can be president anything is possible

Trust me don't get me started on how fucked up he is but he is the president now and if so thing that stupid and fucked up can happen I mean surely u should be able to legalise a plant that's saving so many people and actually doing good



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners mobile app


Whatever negatives you have about Trump, one thing for certain is that he is NOT a Politician in the mould that we have all come to know and despise in our modern World. You can be sure that until we elect some new blood in large numbers into our corrupt, brainless, low grade Political scenario that currently does nothing to represent US, the people and OUR wishes, then we will never get fundamental changes like legalisation of marijuana, same sex marriage and a host of other issues that a population has the RIGHT to demand of its Politicians !!!

That is why a Trump or Hansen? or some such crusader must emerge. The signs around the World that "different" people are in fact emerging in this Political environment should be an encouragement not a curse...warts an' all

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Whatever negatives you have about Trump, one thing for certain is that he is NOT a Politician in the mould that we have all come to know and despise in our modern World. You can be sure that until we elect some new blood in large numbers into our corrupt, brainless, low grade Political scenario that currently does nothing to represent US, the people and OUR wishes, then we will never get fundamental changes like legalisation of marijuana, same sex marriage and a host of other issues that a population has the RIGHT to demand of its Politicians !!!

That is why a Trump or Hansen? or some such crusader must emerge. The signs around the World that "different" people are in fact emerging in this Political environment should be an encouragement not a curse...warts an' all

Ya reckon, sounds like he's gonna reverse state laws on rec canna

"...new blood in large numbers into our corrupt, brainless, low grade Political scenario..." New blood just brings new ways, the system doesn't change.

Trump has a history of looking after No.1....Who? Himself. His actions within his first month show this. What's the old saying "A leopard can't change it's spots"

" ...a population has the RIGHT to demand of its Politicians !!!" Yea right... ...since when. What have you been smoking? Give me some, 'cos it must be some GOOD gear lol

"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely" more like.

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Whatever negatives you have about Trump, one thing for certain is that he is NOT a Politician in the mould that we have all come to know and despise in our modern World. You can be sure that until we elect some new blood in large numbers into our corrupt, brainless, low grade Political scenario that currently does nothing to represent US, the people and OUR wishes, then we will never get fundamental changes like legalisation of marijuana, same sex marriage and a host of other issues that a population has the RIGHT to demand of its Politicians !!!

That is why a Trump or Hansen? or some such crusader must emerge. The signs around the World that "different" people are in fact emerging in this Political environment should be an encouragement not a curse...warts an' all


I'm with Merl1n on this.  He may not be a pollie in the usual mould, but despite what he says he is totally part of the same boys club, and will only serve the same interests except when they clash with his own, his own interests clearly coming 1st to everything else.


As much as I hate most politicians, he scares me a shitload more.  Think about how he runs his companies and apply that to society and global relations and tell me things are going to get better.  Corrupt, abrasive, ultra greedy and selfish, and proud of the fact that he likes to fuck over all and sundry for the slightest self benefit.  People need to stop hearing what they want to hear from right wing nutjob pollies, and start looking at the realities of what these people are really looking to do.  I'll bet my left nut that the poor in the USA will be worse off in the future if Trump gets his way, but he's convinced them otherwise, and that is just like all the other politicians.

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....People need to stop hearing what they want to hear from right wing nutjob pollies, and start looking at the realities of what these people are really looking to do.  I'll bet my left nut that the poor in the USA will be worse off in the future if Trump gets his way, but he's convinced them otherwise, and that is just like all the other politicians.

We've seen this in history before. Hitler convinced the German's he had all the answers too. Look how well that turned out. I fear that we now have an American Hitler. Hitler blamed the Jews. Trump is presently blaming the Mexicans. "Let's build a wall..." Hmmm that worked well for the Germans, didn't it? Not. "Ohh but that's different" not that much different.

Every century has it's rulers/dictators. I believe we may have just found the first dictator of the 21st Century. "Seig heil Trump" scary thought eh? But a reality we may all have to face. Now he's talking about increasing their nuclear arsenal... ...now if that ain't scary, you tell me what is.

Christ I hope I'm wrong, but watch this space. Coming to a political system near you?

Edited by merl1n
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