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Let's get this done! Lets stand up and be counted

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I'm interested in starting a movement to let the Govt know exactly what we think of their pathetic new laws on medical Canna and tell them exactly what we want,  that we are  adults capable of making informed decisions on this matter and to stop treating us with contempt.


I firmly believe if we stand up together, en masse, across the country.  We can make positive change, the science has already been proven, most people know it is a medicine,  all we need is to get the attention of politicians buy appealing to the one thing they are really interest in, votes. All we need is to get together, we have the numbers! 


If we can just get all interested in the future of Canna to join together for a huge push. We can, at the very least, let the Australian public know how shit these new laws are and how it is going to affect every single one of us.  


If anyone is interested in helping me and rattling some cages, we need all the help we can get. 


My initial idea was to have a huge movement across the country on 420 day. On this day I have a vision of EVERYONE that may  be impacted by these unjust, contemptuous, patronising and quite frankly criminal new laws., either now or in the future. stand up and march on every Federal MP's office across the nation. To let them know in no uncertain terms exactly what we want and when we want it. 


It's no good sitting back saying well, it's a start, that wont help anyone, i believe with all my heart all we need is an appetite to fight for a common goal, Together as one. I think this will give the Govt no other choice but to really sit up and take note and reconsider their position on these Un Australian laws that would not have a hope in hell of passing the pub test if the rest of the country knew what we are really in for.


Can we do it? I've had a gutful and really cant sit here on my ass any longer and do nothing  other than what i say on a forum. I have 5 children 22,22,21,8 and 6 the youngest ones i would love for them to think and laugh at how ridiculous it was that Canna was ever illegal when they are grown.


I have a lot of laughs and  have been known to fuck around a lot but im older and somewhat wiser these days and also know how these suits operate, i doubt the Minister for Health has any clue about Canna beyond the propaganda they are still trying to make us eat like a big shit sandwhich, imagine, the leading medical professional in the land, so uninformed on a subject as important to the Nation as i believe  this one is.


I have a proof reader and English specialist to help me not look like a complete dilberry what we need are stacks more bodies on this, all coming together as one and not fighting each other while the man looks on and giggles. we need to spread this everywhere Facebook, Twitter, Instergram, GetUp, Change.org and anywhere and everywhere we go, with the intent of starting a National conversation that just gets bigger and bigger until 420 day when critical mass will be reached and we can then see REAL change, change not a for a few selected fat cats but for everyone in this great Nation we live in.


I will start this as soon as possible after input from the forum or anyone that wants to be involved on any suggested changes, add ons or debate on the matter i would like to post it on every canna related board i can find, to get the conversation started. I will need endless help on this, we need to build an Army to get this over the line might need help with this too :)


If we need to add to what i have written here, im all ears, if we need to change anything im all ears. i know nothing of what i am about to embark on but as a guy called Dale Carnegie said i don't need to know everything about this business/movement you guys are the experts i just want to get the best from our warriors. not sure if that last sentence is wanky?

The politicians had a go and they didn't give it the consideration and thought that was needed for a subject, that,in this day and age is important to more than half the population, I'M IN let's go to war for our children and their childrens children as well as the unlucky individuals getting told they cant be helped by the medical profession anymore and that they should go home and die with family and friends.


Who's in?


We need a catch cry or a hook if you will havent come up with anything yet :)



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I'll help in any way I can we need to get sick people medicine now not later after these pathetic fools spend millions of dollars on something everybody knows about its just like Joe rogan said its like making a bad moving nobody watched it but someone made 20 mill.

Like I said though I will do anything I can if trumps president I'm sure we can legalise cannabis to help the sick people



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I'll help in any way I can we need to get sick people medicine now not later after these pathetic fools spend millions of dollars on something everybody knows about its just like Joe rogan said its like making a bad moving nobody watched it but someone made 20 mill.

Like I said though I will do anything I can if trumps president I'm sure we can legalise cannabis to help the sick people



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Hey Harry,

I had the 'joy' lol of attending a Pain Management clinic group session. Officially they would not discuss the subject of canna as "...it is not an approved form of treatment..." we were told. However, unofficially a group of us patients do have a share network between ourselves. Although this is not an open gathering, we all attend other support groups for our varying conditions and if others voice a wish to manage their pain unconventionally, an offer of assistance via the group is often made. You have to remember that this is an illegal substance and despite the patient requesting it as an alternative, many families do not support its use cos "...it's illegal...", even as an end of life management tool, so it still has to be very 'secret squirrel'.

So, "Do people donate raw plant material to some place/s for them to use as medicine?" Yes, but not via any official channel.

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i just signed. and jagged your talking like a true boss nice bro!!  #420 :)

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Yep you can donate it all to me !



And wtf about Trump ? This is Australia not America thank god ,

Yeah but if he can be president anything is possible

Trust me don't get me started on how fucked up he is but he is the president now and if so thing that stupid and fucked up can happen I mean surely u should be able to legalise a plant that's saving so many people and actually doing good



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners mobile app

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