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Hi all,


Im just new and this is my first post so bear with me.


Ok, so i'm attempting to grow in my closet in a house with parents and younger brothers and sisters. I've managed to work out a way to keep everything completely steath except for one factor.


Im concerned that the fan i use is going to make enough noise for someone to notice in other rooms in close proximity at night or other silent times.


Are there such things as silent fan?? that make no humming noise at all..


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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dude i got the same problem with my fan...makes way too much noise for what it does :thumbdown


i was watching tech tv a few weeks back and they got this mod guy on there who hooked up multiple fans to cool down PCs...idea was many small quiet fans do a better job than a big ass noisy fan...


maybe that kinda idea could be worked into a hydro setup, i dunno to be honest but it seemed like a good idea in theory...


noise is really just vibrations...the less something moves, less sound it will make :smoke my advice for you would be to use foam or another kinda squishy material around the seals of the in/out-take fans, move the wardrobe away from any walls and if u can, put a layer of foam under the wardrobe...doing that will greatly drecrease sound but could also cause a major fire hazard if ur not careful :D


btw if ur growing in ur bedroom like me, buy a lock and keep the blinds down...the imagination can run wild all it wants, but unless some1 sees something, DENY DENY DENY :P


personally i have no need for locks or anything like that....i dont let any1 come anywhere near the bedrooms and my only concern is the cat but when the catnip in the wardrobe has grown a bit im sure the kitty will be occupied with other things :whistling

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I totally disagree on multiple fans being quieter that one big fan. As long as you got a good quality fan this should not be the case. Centrifugal fans cost more but are the most efficient.


To quiet your fan put ducting on both the intake and exhaust and wrap insulation around that ducting. Rockwool is the best for sound insulation (no not the rockwool from the hydro store, go to bunnings). If you want to make it virtually silent wrap insulation around the actual fan itself. And yeah vibration is what makes the noise so if the fan is a small one you could suspend it with thick rubber bands or if its a big one have it on rubber mounts, insulation, or anything else that will absorb the vibration.

Edited by pipeman
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