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Basically essential unless you are deliberately looking to do some sort of non activated medicine.  I get lazy and combine the decarb process into the infusion into the coconut oil by leaving it on the double boiler for ages, but I use hash instead of green so I'm not worried about chlorophyl leaching out.


Even more essential is to make sure that you don't cook anything you make with it at any temp above 140 celsius, otherwise you vape off the goodness.


I also do a mostly non activated lazy approach sometimes by just dumping a dose of unpressed hash into a cappucino, get a little buzz but it's different and very mellow, just a bit wasteful, but that's one of the advantages of growing your own.

Edited by Sir PsychoHashy
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Ive been trying both the decarbing method and non decarbing method but at the time i had built up a tolerance for my own strain, also 1 batch was a good dull spectrum butter with bud, sugar leaf, shade leaf and stem decarbed for 30 min at 120°C! My second batch was sugar leaf, shade leaf and stem decarbed! Then i used the same ingredients as my 2nd attempt but no decarbed but i had a large tolerance so i couldnt rate it fairly!

I wasnt sure if i wasted my time decarbing as i generally brew my butter and green in a slow cooker for 12-24 hrs and theoretically i thought that because i brew on low heat it would naturally decarb during the brewing stage!

Cheers for the input am brewing batch number 4 atm but only with leaf and stem as my baby's wr taken from me by an alleged friend!

Stay loose

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