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Best nute brands for soil?

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anyone tried this?




I am looking for organic, but animal friendly fertiliser.


anyone know or anyone knowledgable enough to read and see if it seems suitable?


they seem to have organic certification but weed has needs beyond just healthy growing.

there are no details about the NPK composition of the product and i suspect its a general fertiliser.


most organic Bloom fertilisers are the wrong NPK for getting a good yield from MJ.

when flowering Weed needs a high and equal amount of P and K and a much lower amount of N to give you big buds.

most bloom fertilisers have a high K, a moderate N and lower P which is not ideal for Weed.


I cant find anything other than the Biocanna range of nutrients for organic soil grows. http://www.canna.com.au/biocanna

There on the expensive side and i cant find any information on their contents, no NPK, nothing!!

it could be a con job


I'm thinking I might just grow with regular fertilisers and give the plants a good flush before I harvest.

fuck this hippy shit   :P

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I use House & Garden Soil A+B 1litre bottles. Costs me $40.


I use it as a base nutrient for my feeds. I also add other things afterwards that are organic.


Why have a base nutrient? So I know I have a little bit of everything in the elemental chart covered for the plants uptake.


What other things do I add ? I dunno , fish emulsion, concentrated liquid seaweed , Silica , B-Vitamins , N27.


Lets see..... Good for soil , what else ? Almost everything at half strength. It's soil , c'mon.


If you have something organic in the feed and aerate the feed for a day before feeding the plants, you don't even have to check the pH. 


Yay. can't keep it more simple than that ay ?



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Micro managing npk , ph is way to hard & a steal from hydro growing , none of us really know what a plant wants when it wants it

we also mess with the plants own immune system by trying to micro manage these things


if you were to accurately ph probe a root ball you would get multiple readings , from high to low , so what's correct 

i put my money on the benne's in the soil to work it out 


soil life if able to will take care of nutrients & ph  , i'm testing a sip with em-1 in the res , it has a ph of below 4

& it is the only thing other than water in the res so very acidic , why is the plant looking quite healthy with it's roots

hanging in a res of acidic solution , benne's do'in the job along with mycelium storing nutrients for when required


i don't think you can buy a good soil off the shelf & that's the base of a great grow , IMO you need to make your own

with as much life as poss & not allot of nutrients , 90% of what a plant takes up in the wild is directly related to benne's

in the soil


this is the kinds of stuff that happens when we keep thinking we know better & use things like round up



just an opinion 

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OK so heres the reply.....


Hmmmmmmmmmm, I ordered some anyway, its not expensive. 

Do you think it could be coup[led with a normal fertilizer with NKP?



anyway, appreciate any thoughts or comments.




Hi Harry


Thank you for your question on the N,P,K composition of Zeogrow, Volco Minerals is a strong believer of customer support and we are always happy to answer all and every question.


Well firstly let me start with that Zeogrow contains absolutely no nitrogen.


The reason for this is that Zeogrow works very differently than the conventional fertilisers you may be used too. Because our minerals are micronized they start to work immediately once sprayed onto the leaf. Particles of calcium oxide breakdown offering an abundance of carbon dioxide along calcium and many other trace elements. The fragmented zeolite within Zeogrow holds onto water particles preventing evaporating as zeolite has no thermal expansion.

So with available water, the abundant carbon dioxide and the addition of sunlight the plant receives a constant boost in photosynthesis, a very healthy and natural way for a plant to create the sugars and starches necessary for a healthy plant.





Please find enclosed some more information on how Zeogrow works and our patented method of micronization.

We are sure you will enjoy seeing your plants thrive once using Zeogrow and we do too, so any photos are always appreciated on our Facebook page and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.





Kind regards


Mark Hughes


Volco Minerals


Edited by Harry Bootlace
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what he says is true 

photosynthesis & plant health are linked 

increase photosynthesis & you increase plant health 

to the point of over 60% photosynthesis & plant health

is so high bugs don't bother & do what there meant to do

& attack the weeds &/or plants with weak genetics B4 we breed with or eat


important point though he mentions water needing to be on point or

( he doesn't say it ) photosynthesis decreases & plant health declines 


like anything there are many ways to skin a cat / increased plant health ,

starts with the soil mostly & using certified raw ingredient as much as poss imo


switch using seasol to using kelp meal = soil amendment , top dress & kelp teas ( seasol on steroids )

switch from pre-emulsified neem off the shelf & buy pure 100% organic neem &

emulsify it yourself with silica / aloe / soap nuts , dish soap adds nothing to a plant 

as a oil emulsifier , the above all add to plant health &/or plant protection  


i'm sure zeogrow will work for you as described 

Edited by itchybromusic
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