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My first grow for this year

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Cheers man i appreciate it oh guys just a question where do you get your ph pens from or whatever you use too check ? I honestly dont have a ph kit so i know thats not really good and that in itself could be why im having probs with my plant? Cheers guys

On line or any hydro shop. I think Bunnings sell test kits for water. In their swimming pool section. 




This is what I use, can get them at most hydro shops mine cost $12. Pens are not always necessary when using soil. They are better used for hydro or coco coir. Soil test kits from bunnings are also what I use. You actually test the soil or potting mix you are using for ph levels.

Edited by brick
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Cheers man might have a look at the bunnings website, if yhe ph is off in the soil how exactly do you raise it or lower it? Cheers

I have found that where I live the soil is around ph7 so I never have trouble with it, if I did and it was high I would just lower the water ph or if low then raise the water ph. My main problems are with high water ph and that is even rain water as well. So I just use ph down (available from hydro shops) my water is always ph 8 or more so I just adjust to 6.5. You will also get ph up from hydro shops. When I lived in Melbourne I never had to adjust anything. Water and soil there is always good. Well at least where I lived. Up here in NSW where I now live the soil is very acidic. So much so that it will, over time, eat through the copper water pipes in the street. So that the growing soil and compost I use from a local dirt store is usually ok and needs no adjusting. Hope this helps! Good luck may your plants live long and prosper!

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I use the drop test all the time. If you mean a drop of tester in the water that is. With soil or potting mix both good quality of course the drop test is very adequate. It is imo better to have the good utensil's for the other mediums or hydro. I reckon soil/pm is more forgiving. The strains can play a big role in nutes as well.

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i think 'brick' is right on with his advice. 


its too late now but your better to start them in a much smaller pot.

then pot up when the roots have started to fill the smaller pot.


most soil growers i know go 500ml or 1litre pots ->4.5litre -> 10litre, then more depending on indoor-outdoor and space.


its hard to manage a proper wet/dry watering cycle with a tiny plant in a big pot.

anyway, what your 'in' is what your 'in', so just follow the normal system of dry (wait till the top soil is dry down to a few inches) then water till you get a run off of 20% of the water you have put in. 

and water slowly in two stages.

its even good to pre-spray the top soil with a water spray bottle; to make sure that when you water you get an even absorption of water into the soil. 

soil has a habit of developing channels where the water drains straight through the mix and out the bottom, leaving the root ball dry.


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