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My first grow for this year

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Hey everyone this is my current outdoor grow the seed is either special queen 1 or special kush 1 now i have run into a slight problem with it the last few days which im pretty confident is overwatering, now i started it in a smallish paper cup and cut most of it off and transplanted it into its final pot, which i dont know how many litres it is but i would say its a good 20 litre pot, now keep in mind its about 3.5 weeks old i think but is pretty small i dont know why exactly but the soil im using is organic soil with about 50 percent perlite mixed in there, anyway heres some pictures guys enjoy any criticism is good criticism :)




Edited by James 1234
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That does seem small for 3 and a half weeks old, is it getting plenty of sunshine..? 
Leaves are a little pale for my liking I think it wants something to eat maybe some Miracle-Gro at a quarter strength I'm no expert but that's just my suggestion.


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Dunno just the pale leaves makes me think it wants more food.

Like I said I'm not expert I have only done a few grows myself but they should have a nice dark green colour to them IMO.

Maybe even some dynamic lifter added to the soil could help too instead of the miracle gro.

Unless you have added your own goodies into your potting mix I don't think it gives the plant everything it needs forever, eventually you have to start feeding it if you want her to grow nice and fat and bushy.

I mean if you locked a skinny kid in a full pantry sure he would fill up on the food but after three and half weeks how much do you think he would have left I knda think of this concept when a plant is in a pot it's only getting what you give it.

Hope that makes sense.

Check out my CFL grow the link is down the bottom you will see the difference in colour they are about 8 weeks old now just starting on their 2nd week of flower.

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Not for a whole yet. Because u are growing outside u need to think more seasonal. One of my mates put one in his back yard that's about the same. My guess is because of the bigger pot and the transplant its just had the roots should be healing/growing nicely after 10 days.


On watering you could easy give it 4 - 5 days between them.

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Hey everyone this is my current outdoor grow the seed is either special queen 1 or special kush 1 now i have run into a slight problem with it the last few days which im pretty confident is overwatering, now i started it in a smallish paper cup and cut most of it off and transplanted it into its final pot, which i dont know how many litres it is but i would say its a good 20 litre pot, now keep in mind its about 3.5 weeks old i think but is pretty small i dont know why exactly but the soil im using is organic soil with about 50 percent perlite mixed in there, anyway heres some pictures guys enjoy any criticism is good criticism :)

Too much love. Could be a problem. Going from a small pot to a very large pot can cause growth problems. A seedling has to get its roots well and truly established so in a much bigger pot it is spreading its roots out before you start to see any progress above the soil. The potting mix could be too hot( meaning full on nutes already in soil) for such a small seedling, can cause nute lock out or just kill the plant. The pale leaves can be a sign of too much instead of too little. Of everything. Water nutes etc. I would try flushing with PH adjusted water 6.5-6.8 for potting mix. No nutes. Then give it a very small dose of water and half nutes. When I use pots I pot up at least three times from germination. Starting small then medium then the big 20-50 litre pots.

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