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Jaggeds mishaps 2016

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Well it's grow time again, has been for a bit but its been a real wet sept and start to October here and i have had a few fuck ups and mishaps already.


Last year i had issues with water and pots being i had to water twice a day for a quite a stretch, so this year i mad a soil that held more water but was still friable. This sounded good but has been a pain in the arse with the weather as you will see from the pics. So my plan for next year with the early starters is for drier soil then into the banging hot summer soil when it warms up as the soil is too wet and with the rain is holding too much, so a 2 soil plan is for next year.


SLUGS i moved my pots to a new area in the yard for various reasons then had cause to miss seeing them for a few days and slugs had a field day.


I'm trying a few auto's as well as photo's this year as i like the idea of having say 100 little buggers all over the joint rather than a 6 pack of trees, so far i like the idea, i have a few dif ones and i'm hoping to find 3 or 4 strains and have a run next year of all auto's smoko quality depending. One i will say if ur gonna grow auto's plant em late october onwards as they dont get a good enough start when started early august they are dormant and grow slow so dont get much size before they begin to flower.


So in short, my theory is do as many good things in a row as you can and these plants canna in general not just the auto's i have mentioned grow like wild fire and i have failed to do this in any length so far this year, but its only early still soall is not lost and there are more seeds to germ.


Not much to look at atm so just a quick pic faves so far and front runners for a bulk purchase next year or even this year for a late run.  super lemon haze, super hash and sweet seeds




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