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Bunnings only options?

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Been flooding myself with yankee how to grow videos and its beginning to feel like they have more nutrients then medium. Before I find myself surrounded by name brand Super dooper extra awesome do anything bottles and a empty wallet are there cheaper Bunnings only options? Had a look a few days ago and it all seams to be more nitrogen based with the P+K being in the lower end of the scale.


What have you used that worked? Any suggestions would be great.


Also would sticking a bit of dolomite lime in Coco work for Cal mag? The cheap Bunnings Coco bricks. Flushed beyond what would be considered sane.


Thanks for reading

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quick cheap option , with a soil made for growing canna 

is canna terra pro , not at bunnings though 


adding a bit of this & a bit of that almost never works 

not that you can't make your own , I do , you just can't chuck

things in & hope for the best 


best place to start is with building a compost or worm farm or both

this is the cheapest & most productive potting soil you can find 


let plants supply your plant = look into companion planting https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-companion-planting-for-cannabis-what-you-need-to-know-n338

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You cant flush those bunnings bricks enough. Slow release ferts suck.


grabbing the no fertilized ones. the packaging has nothing about added nutes so it should be fine. i know there is still going to be crap in it tho. hoping a good soak and a ton of rain water will clean it up enough to use


quick cheap option , with a soil made for growing canna 

is canna terra pro , not at bunnings though 


adding a bit of this & a bit of that almost never works 

not that you can't make your own , I do , you just can't chuck

things in & hope for the best 


best place to start is with building a compost or worm farm or both

this is the cheapest & most productive potting soil you can find 


let plants supply your plant = look into companion planting https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-companion-planting-for-cannabis-what-you-need-to-know-n338


i'll save the organic options for later. have the worm farm + a few starter compost piles. the dirt in general here is epic, filled with giant worms :) but its all in the early stages and wont be producing goodness for awhile. am looking forward to using worm juice sometime in the near future.



Nitrosol is balanced N & K, there is a new formula which has less K, look for the old one which is 12:2:13

it was on the "to buy" list. if nothing else it will be great for the veggies.



thanks for the input guys :)


i just stumbled across the lucas formula and think i might give that a go. anyone tried it? found the GH maxi bloom for 30$ on ebay and it all seams pretty straight forward. what i need to know now is if i can mix a little dolomite lime in the coco to cover any cal mag issues. so far its looks like a no no but most of the threads ive found are for pre buffered hydro coco while im using bottom of the barrel stuff. personal experiences people? might guinea pig it and see how it goes. if its a fail i guess there is always  the manutec micro nutrient stuff

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