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1st grow n00b needs advice please

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Hi guys,


I am new to this forum, been lurking for a while during the grow (first grow) and have found you guys to be amazing at helping me diagnose my issues.


I am not a classic case long time stoner, I have dabbled and smoked regularly in my later teen years, now i am over 30 and had not had a smoke in over 5 years, but have found a recent need to curb my alcohol addiction (caused by anxiety) and cannabis worked immediately, no hangovers, no side effects, and allowed me to work at a much more efficient rate (highly technical job).  I will be growing a single plant for personal use only, and only grow because I do not want to enter the societies monetary system with illicit substances.  very low amounts of risk if it is all personal size, much better than the risk of long term alcoholism.


plant history:


I have been battling fungus gnats that must have come with the soil, have been spraying (250ml per day or 2) top of soil with eco neem solution which has been working wonders for population control.

When it was in veg i nuted too much and got a nitrogen toxicity, this could be because of the potting mix, as I followed directions on the canna bio vega bottle.

I went by the directions of the canna bio vega, and used vega + flores for first 2 weeks of flowering, got a minor nute burn, very tips of leaf browned off, skipped a feed, and stopped vega addition and went with flores only, new growth was really good.



today i checked my plant as I do every day, there is a single fan leaf that has discoloured on one of its fingers(?) and the leafs near the main bud are discolouring on the tips and curling upwards.  I am worried i am killing my hard work at the important end of the stick.


I am not game to take a photo, as images come with free geo location information these days.  Sorry for the vague info.


any information on this would be great guys.  I have searched the web for pics of symptoms but have found nothing to compare it to that is close.  I thought phosphorus deficiency at first, but I am so new at this I am not certain.


Thanks for being cool :)  I appreciate any help that you can give me.


Here is my grow information:


Indoor/Outdoor: Gorilla 600x750x2100 grow tent
Growing Medium: tomato potting mix (never again)
Growing Style: not sure what this means, let it grow with minimal work? I planted the seed, watched it grow, clipped a couple (2-4) fan leaf before i learned not to clip an auto, and used stakes to spread branches out until they grew that direction by themselves.
Watering/Feeding Frequency:  water saturdays, canna bio wednesdays
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): as per bottle (4ml per liter flores)
PH Levels: 6.5-7 as of 5 mins ago
Temperature/Humidity Levels: weather is cool and dry.. low 20's, 20-40% humidity
Air Flow/Fans etc.: 6" exhaust with carbon filter, small inlet at bottom of tent, clip fan to circulate
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.): MARS 300 LED
Total Wattage: 145 true watts
Growth Stage: mid-late flowering
Plants Age: planted on 22nd june
Cannabis Strain: 2 fast 2 vast auto fem




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your problem is:

"Growing Medium: tomato potting mix (never again)"

stop using additional nutrients (for now). Your soil had/has too much 

fungus gnats will become resistant to eco neam -stop using it so often

fluff-up the top few cm of soil, fungus gnats don't like that, too much light for them to live in it


others will be here to give their $0.02 soon...

and not one person who has posted photos on this site have been in trouble with the law due to said photos 




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Thank you for your help guys.  


I have pretty much taken care of the gnat problem, they are gone.  

I have not been nuting for a week and a half now, was going to let it finish without any additions from here on out.


On another note, is it normal to smell a plant in flower even with a carbon filter? or is my filter useless?  I can smell it in the hallway, not as bad as the tent but it is noticeable.  recommendations?


Stripped some images, I may be worried about nothing but here we go.  Taken on a phone, so pretty bad shots but you can see the leaf discoloration, not the blotchy spots on the curled up leaf though


DSC 0142

DSC 0148

DSC 0145

DSC 0144

DSC 0149

DSC 0146

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Looks fine, don't stress, just back off the nutes as it's not a hydroponic medium.  Shit soil mix, likely with slow release fertilisers in it already, in which case she's doing surprisingly well.


Could be a shit filter, particularly if you got a cheap one off Ebay, in which case it's likely Growlush or made in the same Chinese factory.  Could also be a leak in your duct between filter and exhaust fan, very important to keep all that perfectly sealed.  Could also be insufficient negative pressure in the tent allowing some stank to waft out, so too much open area for passive intake, or intake fan could be too high if you are using one, for example.

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Hey guys, just updating the outcome of this one.



I got 50 grams from this plant, learned some lessons, used my lessons to start another plant that looks absolutely amazing, not a single distorted leaf and the growing medium is excellent.


Thanks again for the professional replies to my issue.

Edited by beingnorty
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