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Whats wrong with this seedling?

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I started a DWC tub but couldn't get the water temp under control ( until now  :yahoo: ). I started noticing slim so I put the little lady into soil.. it took 2 days but some rhyzo has seem to perk it back up.. I've just spotted this patches of whats looks to me like bleaching in the leaves.. I have NFI as so what it could be.. I did notice a similar thing on an auto thats in the same fridge.. so my money in on disease or fungi but Im not sure what can't find anything with a similar look! 

any help would be greatly appreciated.. :)



Edited by The Jackel
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I'm guessing you haven't feed nutes yet


Otherwise I'd be thinking its nute splash that's Burnt them.


But it does look a little whiter than when I get nute splash


Any way if it hasn't progressed to other leaves I wouldn't worry


I've heard of bleaching from LEDs being too close but haven't seen it myself


And I'd guess that type of bleaching would look a little different


Has it moved to other leaves?

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Has it moved to other leaves?


I thought I saw some on 2 big fan leaves.. Just recently so I ripped that part of the leave off incase it was disease ( like I did to those leaves once another set had grown ). It hadn't been feed any nutes at that point. There is a slight chance I could have drop some diluted vinegar on the leaves but I doubt it. 


She's still only on 1/2 strength. and about to be bumped up to 3/4 strength no burn so far. :) roots look healthy - white and full of hairs. 



Back off on the watering the coco looks too wet


Howz it looking since last photo?


Thanks for the tip, it's not coco though, it's Canna Terra with added perlite, it was wet at that point because I had just transplanted it from the red beers cup so I had to give the medium a soaking to bring the PH up to 6.6-6.8 ( canna set it around 6.0 ). But I have definitely been guilty of that in the past grow..  ( this is my second attempt )  :yahoo:. When do I evolve from newbie status !? lol



Here is the lady a few weeks on she's been through 3 pots now just transplanted into the flower pot - 300mm.. she has just been topped and I am trying to decide weather to do some LST and get a few more heads or just top the next to shoots and then put here in to flower, Topping for me seems to slow growth more than LST but breaking a branch sucks more.. I don't mind vegging for a while because I have some auto's growing and only one tent.



" I can't seem to work out how to get a photo into this post. I keep getting can't use this extension error - for .jpg  .jpeg  .png "

Edited by The Jackel
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