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What should I grow!

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Hi, this is currently what I am growing.. and Id like to keep these genetics, they rock. Id like to expand and test out breeding my own seeds and am slightly unsure on what I want to mix with what. Heres a list of what I have, about to be put into flower when I stick the timer in the room.. in a few hours :peace: Most are preflowering now, at 36 days or so from seed. 8 internodes on the BDxC99/NLF seedlings so they are ready to go.


2 Clones

Big Bud x NorthernLights/Flo - Not a keeper strain.. just flowering.

Sensi Black Dominia


1 Female - Black Dominia x C99/NorthernLights x Flo

2 Females - Black Flo x C99/NLF - Not a keeper, just flowering.

1 Male - Thai x Apollo13t11

1 Male <maybe> - BD x C99/NLF


4x Unsexed Apollo13/FigWidow x C99/NLF


I also have what seems to be a blueberry pheno of flo.. the plant displays the twisted leaf traits of the blueberry.. has little smell and a slight discolouration of the leaves.. it has very skinny leaves, so I am really waiting for this one.

I have some Black Widow pollen coming this week sometime too.. so I can use that on a few plants.


Seeds starting in three weeks:


Magic Crystal F1 (Tall Version - i think cali-o dom) - Cali-O x White Widow

Apollo 13 F3 x White Rhino F1




I also have these seeds.. but I might auction them elsewhere.. or trade, as I dont really want to grow them. The Dutch Dragon would be awesome for outdoor.. and the Cluster Bomb seems massive.. I might try one or two cluster bombs, but I havent heard much good reports on these grows.. well I havent heard of any but one!


Highgrade Seeds - Cluster Bomb

Paradise Seeds - Dutch Dragon



Crosses I was thinking of:


Black Dominia x Black Widow

(Sensi & Mr. Nice)

Goals: To get a relatively short, fast growing plant with a better flowering time than the BW and a killer couchlock stone. High resin production with a high level of THC!. I want this for bedtime lol Both the clone and pollen have come from very good breeders stock, so this is going to be one killer cross.


Thai x (Apollo13trip x Apollo11) X <something>

This plant has the sweetest smell.. grows very fast and definately a keeper.. the A13 really shows in the leaves, branching and height. Its a medium/small plant... but I bet it could get massive with more veg time. Ill keep this boy for as long as I can.. I dont really have any decent sativa females. Id like to keep the up high.. I want it for a wake n bake stone... Id love to get a nice clone of a high thc Haze or something.


Black Dominia x C99/NLF - F2's

This is the best plant I've ever grown.. stays small and compact, grows very fast and looks exactly like a C99 hybrid. For some reason the C99 and Apollo tends to dominate my strains.. the leaf structure/colour etc, is very similar. Hasnt got much of a good smell, and the Black Dominia/Northern Lights/Flo trademarks are hardly visible in veg.. I guess you can tell its all in there, its a good mix.


BB Pheno hybrid - the growth isnt anything special.. but still fairly good. It is relatively short, bushy and little smell. I am still unsure on the sex of this plant.. but it would be nice to mix with something.. Im definately keeping this plant/strain. I have a few other sprouters, and they are some of the best smelling plants, so sweet.. like the thai but, surprisingly, better. The BB pheno doesnt smell nearly as much as the others though.. but they are a bit stunted.


Magic Crystal F1's im going to make F2's from.. selecting the most sativa strain. I want the cali-o but not the widow..


The strain I want the most... After these two grows.. in about 10 weeks Ill order two packs of these seeds....


Calio S1 $US 100.00 (Can$ 127.26)


Selfed seeds of the legendary AE77 Calio clone. These Calio S1 seeds have shown to be very faithful to their parent plant with the same great orange smell and taste and the nice "up" high. Combine those pluses with a plant that can be taken at 7 weeks of flowering, is easy to grow and clone and you have what many consider a nearly perfect strain. Once the seed plants reach sexual maturity, they exhibit the same double serrated edge fan leaves as the AE77 clone, a sure sign of the lengendary clone. Yeild is excellent when sufficient veg time is allowed. Nice, oily buds with the heavenly orange scent and taste of their Mama. A keeper in everyone's garden of those who have been fortunate enough to get her.

Specifications: ~ Flowering: 49-56 days ~ (12 seeds)


I was also looking at Good Gear Seed's Brothers Grimm Apollo 13 F3's for $50 arent bad.


Does anyone know where I can pick up some original C99 seeds.. without having to cut off one of my legs for it? I paid virtually nothing for all my plants.. the way it should be. $200 for a pack of 10 seeds is rediculous.. but the C99 is awesome. The AE77 Cali-o seeds are a must though... definate, must.. definate.

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