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I have planted a unkown bag seed like ~2 month ago outside in hunter vally, 4 weeks ago i visited it and it grew about 4 cm high with 2 little leaves which still looked like normal leaves. i visited again few days ago and the plant was only 1 cm higher! and had nether set of similer leaves growing... theres plenty of sun but water only came from rain which is little... i am wondering if the rain is the reason for this stunnted growth?


also i planted like 10 bagseed in 3 diffrent locations there, a bit of canopy shade ut soil was also not too dry, cuz the soil is so damn dry there.... so hard to find a place to plant...


i still got a packet of mjoz Mango's n i dunno were to plant em ?? how will they grow under a canopy? cuz soil is moister there... i got watercrystals but if theres no water already i dunno how usefull they are...

also in the mjoz discription Mango's are described as hardy' plants, does this mean they can do with not much water?

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i think you have 3 probs

1 its was probably still way too cold when you planted and no mj will thrive in cold

conditions they like warm feet.

2 water or lack of. whatever you plant has to be able to get a drink. so dig a large hole, mix a heap of water crystals with the soil then drown the whole lot with heaps of water and plant your bubs. but you must water.

3 i cant see the canopy but if its not too bad the mango will grow in filted sunlight,

if its too shaded it will stunt their growth.

mango is a hardy plant but it still needs water to live

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I was going to tell you to do greenacres step 2. you might want to mix some long life fert in too, like osmocote, but i would have a read around the forums to find out which one to use as some are toxic. The big advantage of digging in some water crystals is they will swell every time you get rain. Don't use too much though, they swell alot and can uproot your plants or swell when it rains cause the ground to move damaging the roots. A landscaper friend of mine had one of his juniors planting palms, after rain they were sitting on mounds of jelly because he used too much.


Once you dig your hole make sure you cover that dirt with leaf litter for that untouched look.

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but why would digging a big hole help?


when you dig the hole you fill it back in again useing the soil you dug out plus water crystals and some slow release ferts (as Medicineman said).

by breaking up the soil you gain two things, it airates the soil allowing the plants root system to grow at a faster rate.

and secondly where the soil has been broken op when it does rain the water will drain into where your plant is

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