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Hydro grower moving to outdoor soil and cannot get it right! Help&

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i'd stick with the kickalong mix & add a handful of bokashi mixed in

grab some bokashi grains this will help with inoculation & get the process of soil life going

be good to mix amounts in with ya castings you now have as part of top dressing  


direct stockfeeds in portsmith , is that near you , they should have a bale of barley straw , & lucerne chaff , should be pretty cheap 

straw bale is hugh once open & should be able to get chaff by the bag , as in they'll fill a large plastic bag to the size you want 

well that's how it works at the stockfeed i go to , they have no web site so give them a ring first to check out what they got & how 

you buy there lucerne chaff , chaff just means chopped up 


Ok what about Brewcan or Marlin coast home brew , you know them , you want pilsner malted barley & malted rye , should be round 

$5 - $8 a kg , i got 2kg some time ago & the bags still going , you use barley in veg & rye in flower , you'll need a coffee grinder as well

for the malted seeds , you could also use a mortar & pestle but grinders much quicker , i got a $25 blender with grinder attachment 


if there are any health food shops , pop in & get some dried comfrey leaf 


on top of that PM me an address & i'll send a little bit of couple of other things that will help ,  


So what do you think Q , to full on , if it is just get kickalong , some sort of mulch & use ya biobizz & don't over water ,

start pretty lite with biobizz & work your way up , soil already has nutes as slow release , this is not great cause if you have a prob

& want to flush you'll be releasing more ferts with each flush , but you won't need to flush cos it will all be sweet 


Mate! You are so bloody helpful and now i AM calm :P


The mrs has a Bokashi bucket in the kitchen already too :)


Doing all the research now on how to use the barley etc... very interesting! All this is going to be incorporated into my winter vege garden too :D 


And no... not tooooo full on anymore hahah    :bangin:  just getting way too ahead of myself, as usual haha



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malted barley is very cool 

use just as a top dress but can also bubble in water & add kelp or lucerne or comfrey & will start breaking it down to ready available nutes for ya plant 

plus the plant go's pretty much straight to pray mode , most leaves pointing to the sky

this is all from a guy called Clackamas Coot so do some searching on his name & see what ya find 

otherwise here is a system to stick to http://buildasoil.com/pages/the-complete-system

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was it you that said you used Aloe vera , was that from a bottle or a blade from a plant 

cos from the raw plant you have a short time to use otherwise it starts tuning to alcohol

in around 20min from being removed from a plant , just something to keep in mind

there are a few products you can buy to avoid this , even powdered raw aloe which i

use , bloody expensive though otherwise don't mess about when using direct off the aloe plant  


Hey Itchy mate, i cant find any info on aloe vera turning to alcohol. 


Just wondering is it really does, because on the youtube link below (very interesting video on No-Till) he soaks his clones after cut in aloe water, which is a fresh blade mixed in water, for 24 hrs, then he dips them in some aloe and into his medium...  Is there a chance that his method is not right?


I have tried in the past but it took like 16 days to show a little root and the rest sorta rotted...




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ok mate i just went to check & yeah OOP's fucked that up 

no doesn't turn to alcohol my mistake thinking of something else , it does degrade but not massively but you wouldn't want it hanging round for days 

sorry mate & yeah seen the Mendo Dope vid , there's another no-till guy called Brownguy420 on youtube & he's in to his extracts   


Seed Sprout Teas , corn . alfalfa aka Lucerne , barley , are all very cool along with coconut & aloe , my girls get allot of coconut & Aloe

you get all that a seed needs to grow , early life stuff , sort of a hit of mothers milk so to speak ,


as far as clones go Kevin Jodrey is the man to listen too https://youtu.be/gANNEB4ZbX0 he doesn't use aloe or any organics when cloning

not that I'm saying don't use organics but the tech side of how he clones is solid , worth listening too , he cuts hundreds of clones daily & has refined

his method to be very consistent 

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im convinced... organic only outdoors now. I made a bit of a tea last night. 


-BioBizz Fish Mix

-BioBizz Root Juice

-Gogo Juice

-Handful of bokashi (its all was in the bin)

-Seasol Powerfeed ORGANIC liquid nute... only 20ml to 10 litres

-Handfull of dead desert grass

-handfull of leaves, side of the road lol, a car drove past, i felt quite silly walking down a dirt road with a plastic bag picking up as many leaves as possible lol

-handfull of bagged 5 in 1 compost


i know, its my own experiment, i got carried away lol


Aerated in stocking for about 24 hrs.... It was all frothy, didnt smell bad.


Just fed the girls.... fingers crossed..


Checked PPM and it was only about 800


Ph was 6.5


and run off 6.7


See how we go, i shall kepp yas posted :)


Thanks Itchy, again and again haha


Also sprinkled some Diatomaceous Earth over top of pot

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ok mate i just went to check & yeah OOP's fucked that up 

no doesn't turn to alcohol my mistake thinking of something else , it does degrade but not massively but you wouldn't want it hanging round for days 

sorry mate & yeah seen the Mendo Dope vid , there's another no-till guy called Brownguy420 on youtube & he's in to his extracts   


 Does that mean I've made your mind relapse aswell and you will save money on aloe now? instead of buying dried like you said earlier? haha :P



Another thought...


you mentioned Molasses somewhere...


A few mates of mine say you need to get the right type.... where would one find such a "right type" ?

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I have 2 small aloe plants that will get transplanted as some stage so i have a bunch of bigger ones to use 

this is what this growing is all about , using what you have or what you grow to grow , the main goal for some is closed

loop no-till , which just means everything you use comes from your land & nothing used from outside ,

check out Dragonfly Earth Medicine , closed loop no-till , they make & sell inoculates for canna , in the US


i was thinking more about fermenting aloe rather than fresh & got mi wires crossed up 


that's a hell of a bubble mix mate ,we do want diversity but we'll have to tone that down a bit & keep it simple

& target what you need rather than throwing in the whole kitchen sink ! lol sorry mate 


at the start you just want soil life & root development so just some malted barley would have worked great

making compost teas is more about building life than feeding the plant , the food you put in the tea should

be for the bene's to help them grow & multiply , some castings & molasses might be all you use 


so keep those things separated , feeding plant or making bene's , & well done on checking the smell cos that's 

your first red flag if it smells like crap don't use it 


you want organic unsulphured backstrap molasses , coles or safeway should have it in there healthy section 

in jars , near coconut oil , blue label or melrose brands i used & got from the above mentioned 


molasses is a good sugar but not the only sugars canna likes , main reason i've used molasses is for compost teas

& activating my homemade Lacto or EM-1 never just as a straight feed for plants , of cause the bacteria will feed & multiply

in both of those but they will also excrete ready available nutes for the plant  , we really want them in the pot eating the stuff 

we want to feed to the plant 

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