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Tea's round 2 outdoor 2016

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I dun' fucked up....  Stayed at the new missus' place under her spell for like 4 days and didn't water while we had a couple of real scorchers on here around 40C.  Came back to her in this condition :(


I think the stress has prevented a lot of fattening up in the nug department because the trichomes have started to go to cloudy and maybe 2% amber, which seems far too early based on pics from only 5 days ago.  Gave it a feed of seasol, water morning and night with another dose of potash but if its only two weeks away now I should start flushing soon...

Need more mag x on my loupe but you get the picture.  I'm hoping for a yield of like 4-5 ounces but very doubtful now.


Or based on the amount of fan leaves still present you think its still another 3-5 weeks away?  Trichomes always indicate ripeness yeh







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I'm going to be in the same book mate. 4-5 days away with no watering but hopefully the weather stays cool so they don't suffer too bad.


Hopefully she bounces back for ya


Good luck bro, it is March now so should be safer (the fuck happened to Feb?!)

lol well that's a first, a bloke thinking with his dick :D, lucky the rest of us never do that :twiddle:


A good drink and she'll bounce back alright.  Hold your nerve, she looks like she'll fatten up more before ripening properly.

hahah. Aye... Brain vs dick..the constant struggle  :jedifight

Thankya Sir, bit of a trim and feed she's looking better already.

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Hey all


Had so much fun growing last year and learnt a lot (incl. from you guys) so I'm back for round two.  In awesome news, the reason I grew my first plant was to make CBD oil for a family member who got cancer...1 Year later cancers gone! fuck yeah. :D


Anyhoo here is a Shining Silver Haze (Skunk x Northern Light) plant going strong. A little concerned about drainage though.  Organic soil mixed with home compost, Seasol & Powerfeed along with home made Earth Worm Tea, just switched to Potash today as she is two weeks into flowering.


A bit late to the grow diary, but better late than never. Enjoy


nice outcome, mate, Dreaming of the day scientists crack this nut and dr's follow in a rhythmic movement, saying they found the special stuff, that just unlocked everything, they just couldnt see it because science and humans hadnt evolved enough, and stoners just jumped on early in a reckless rush and lucked out. haha

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nice outcome, mate, Dreaming of the day scientists crack this nut and dr's follow in a rhythmic movement, saying they found the special stuff, that just unlocked everything, they just couldnt see it because science and humans hadnt evolved enough, and stoners just jumped on early in a reckless rush and lucked out. haha


Haha too good!


Thanks all.  The feed of potash resulted in some scarring of the inner leaf on some of the fan leaves.  As well as some burned yellowing / orangeing of the leaves.  I put 25g in 5L of water. Grr still making silly errors but the plants are resilient as hell to still come out with the goods.  


Hope ya'all having a wicked finish to your crops fam  :)


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