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Split trunk

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So i tried to tie my outdoor plant down a few weeks ago. The plants trunk was forked near the bottom and when i pulled it down it split at the fork.

The split went right into the woody part of the trunk and basically split in half.

I used a cable tie to hold it back together and the wound has all but healed over now although one side is slowly yellowing at the leaves and then they are dropping off.

It has been probably a month now since the split and the leaves that are green arent drooping but slowly getting more and more bare. I would have thought if that part of her was going to die it would have died by now?

Has anyone got experience with this and am i going to lose half my harvest, shes the only one ive got....

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I am no expert but I did do the same thing once. My plant didn't yellow but it stopped growing on one side and only grew slowly on the other main stem.. Ended up less than half the size it would have been... Is it in Flower or veg? Has it grown any since the split? If water gets in the split too often you will get bacteria and will eat into your plant.


If it was indoor and my only plant I would get some cutting off her and keep her going that way

Edited by Stiritup420
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Def take the cable tie off or else you risk ring barking the plant. I would clean leaves up off the bottom of the plant too to give it air flow incase the split gets moist prevent fungus/bugs etc destroying the whole thing. It also happened to my big girl but not very badly as yours i wrapped the shit out of it with duct tape and a few weeks later good as new. Big fat knuckle. Put a pic up please.
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