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Best way to Sterilise my Grow Room and Tank?


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I've decided I'm just not cleaning/sterilising my room and tank well enough and hence the rot problems I have been having. Plant genetics has played some role, however I want a super clean room at the end of each grow to make sure I'm not passing anything on.


Been doing some research and H2O2 seems popular, but I want to be thorough.


So, what should I use to make it super clean and kill any fungus and spores and bugs throughout the room?


Also what can I give to advanced clones (200mm pots) and/or young clones (new cuttings) to make sure the coco growing medium and plant is free of fungus?

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I am about to clean the walls of my room with a vinegar solution. This makes the mould overeat and die.


After you have cleaned the room and it is dry you should vacuum well with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter.


For foliage you can spray the plant with Eco Fungicide.


I would not bother trying to sterilise an organic medium (and probably wouldn't bother with an inert medium either).


If you are getting budrot the main way to fight this is to have healthy plants and plenty of air movement (not to be confused with air exchange).

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Cheers guys :)
The Hepa filter is a good idea...expensive though from my quick search, know any cheap vacuum cleaners with it?
I have used vinegar in the past as well and whilst it kills most, apparently google says it does not necesarilly kill all. And since I still have fungus issues I was going for a heavier hitter, hence the H2O2.

Bud rot is pretty much fixed, they are rotting at the stem now :( That's why I think its my reservoir has the mould. Its a learning process...


Billy I reckon its possibly Hydrogen Peroxide your using...google shows that as one of the possible chems sold by brewers



The above link has some good info, just got to be careful with this H2O2...PPE gear...


I'm going to go super anal and clean it all regularly and see if I can get this rot under control.


Just bought 25L of the stuff!

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Cheers guys :)


The Hepa filter is a good idea...expensive though from my quick search, know any cheap vacuum cleaners with it?


I have used vinegar in the past as well and whilst it kills most, apparently google says it does not necesarilly kill all. And since I still have fungus issues I was going for a heavier hitter, hence the H2O2.


Bud rot is pretty much fixed, they are rotting at the stem now :( That's why I think its my reservoir has the mould. Its a learning process...


Billy I reckon its possibly Hydrogen Peroxide your using...google shows that as one of the possible chems sold by brewers



The above link has some good info, just got to be careful with this H2O2...PPE gear...


I'm going to go super anal and clean it all regularly and see if I can get this rot under control.


Just bought 25L of the stuff!


As Nay said, Billy is referring to Sodium Metabisulphite not bleach. You can also use Potassium Metabisulphite which is used interchangeably with the former. Both are used as preservatives in food/drink and as sterilants in the food and beverage industry. The benefit to using either of those vs. the H202 is the fact that you don't have to wait as long. I don't know too much about H202 but after a quick read of the link you posted, it seems that it is a somewhat lengthy process and you also have to wait sometime before you plant:


Oxidizes, then quickly (24 hrs) degrades to water (Sterilizing strength for 1-4 hours).
Run re-connected system with 10% h202 + hot water for several hours, dump, and flush again thoroughly with water. Don’t plant right away!



When using Metabisulphite, you're able to use your equipment straight after the cleaning process and it takes no more than an hour. If it's safe enough to use on the bottles I drink beer out of then I'm sure it's safe enough for your plants. I'm sure there are many here who know a lot more about it (and I hope they correct me if I've given any false or misleading information) but that's what I've gathered after using metabisulphite for sterilising beer bottles for years and reading that link you posted.


Hope the H202 works for ya though :thumbsup:

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I've decided I'm just not cleaning/sterilising my room and tank well enough and hence the rot problems I have been having. Plant genetics has played some role, however I want a super clean room at the end of each grow to make sure I'm not passing anything on.


Been doing some research and H2O2 seems popular, but I want to be thorough.


So, what should I use to make it super clean and kill any fungus and spores and bugs throughout the room?


Also what can I give to advanced clones (200mm pots) and/or young clones (new cuttings) to make sure the coco growing medium and plant is free of fungus?

Pool chlorine is used by all commercial hydroponic growers, by commercial I mean people that grow hydroponic lettuce, tomatoes etc. I have been using it myself for the last 15 years. Chlorine kills all mould, spores and everything else! The beauty of chlorine is it evaporates after 24 hours. So you wash all your pots, pipes and resovoir with chlorine, then 24hours later your good to set up and start using again.

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As for cleaning walls, floors etc. I just dilute 100ml of bleach into about a gallon of water. I mop the floors of my grow room about 1-2 weeks. Even when the plants are in the room. This does them no harm and keeps my floor sterile. I never wear shoes in my grow room, just clean socks. Sounds anal, but I love a sterile grow room. I also never have a problem with fungi or bugs or whatever.
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Grow room gets a thorough scrubbing with bleach at the end of each grow, let it sit for a day or 2 and then a scrub down with diluted vinegar, and then a good air out for a few days before either packing up or starting another grow, seems to do the trick.  I don't worry about mopping etc during the grow, just a bit of a sweep or vacuum here and there, but I'm in a fairly dry climate.


With res and plumbing I give it a scrub with bleach, rinse, vinegar, and rinse.  Run each step through the whole system as well.  But, the time I had root rot get in the system I didn't fuck about and just dumped all of it except the pump and got new replacements, the pump had a nice long sit in bleach and then a good rinse out.  The cost of a new res, pots, and plumbing was outweighed by the risk of missing any spores etc as far as I was concerned.

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Thanks for all the replies guys.

Yes I agree Psycho I feel its not worth the worry of leaving something bad and Im going to dump the tank liner and pump and stones etc for new ones. Not a big cost and worth it in the long run.

Might even dump the tank completely and just go back to the old tub I used to use for each feed...nil problems when I did that and just give it a quick spray and wipe between each feed.

Hygiene has been lacking when I look at what some of you do...not anymore though!

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