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my plants are drooping! need help

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I am guessing from the wording of your post that you are growing outdoors

dunno about revivnig them but for future referance when the plant is starting off it helps to have them in some sort of greenhouse, not I'm not talking abotu one of those walkin green houses or anything, just a home made job .

Just take a 2ltr coke bottle or any bottle with the right shape and slice the bottom off

put one of these over each seedling and whala you have yourself a llittle greenhouse thing, the cap on the bottle can work as an air exchange for you aswell if you loosen it up a little,


In my opinion if you can your better to start a plant off inside and get it past that weak and fragile stage before exposing it to potentialy harsh weather unsheilded

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Well, describe your growing space, what lights, ventilation, media, etc, and we'll see what we can do. It's probably either too much moisture causing stem-rot/wilt or perhaps underwatering.


There are too many variables though, without a detailed description of the growing environment and what you've been doing to it. So yeah, give us that, and we'll see what we can do eh?


Oh yeah, and welcome to Oz Stoners. lol

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Well, describe your growing space, what lights, ventilation, media, etc, and we'll see what we can do. It's probably either too much moisture causing stem-rot/wilt or perhaps underwatering.


There are too many variables though, without a detailed description of the growing environment and what you've been doing to it. So yeah, give us that, and we'll see what we can do eh?


Oh yeah, and welcome to Oz Stoners. lol



things like superthrive or nutriboost will help to revive them.

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yeah i'm here. i forgot i had a post. well anyway, my grow room it, 4 1/2 feet tall, 3 feet wide, 4 feet deep. the walls are white and the door is one of the sides that just comes off. ok, so so far i've replanted my plants and put them in more soil so the soil doesnt dry out so fast and i've raised the light so that is about 4 inches from the plants. i have put my plants on a light cycle to get the roots stronger to pick them selves up. its a 4 off , 20 hours on. oh, and i been keeping the soil damp.


so thats where i'm at

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