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Seedling leaves turning yellow amd dying

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My first grow

Its outdoor in temerpate condition

100% organic

Foliar fed with bio bizz fish mix

I have transplanted them a few days ago and the leaves are starting to yellow and dying off.

This is the second time it has happend to me and i have never figured out what is the cause of the problem.

What im thinking is over-watering and due to the soil been too" hot".

It was growing in pot before and now its in the ground i cannot do much about it.


First pic is after transplant

Second is first sign of yellowing

Third is current situationpost-57083-0-42470100-1448325222_thumb.jpeg


I have just uploaded all the fertilisers i have but i wasnt planning to feed the bio bizz for the ground and use it for potted ones. I have the other fertiliser mixed in with my soil.

Just fed them with some fish mix and bio grow 1/4 strength hope thatd do sometjing , have 2 seeds germinating as it is not too late. Just going to start indoors for headstart and move outside

And i think it was due to the heat been over 40degrees celcius for 2days and next day temperature dropped to 20 the plant maybe couldnt handle it.





Edited by mohammadblaze
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what are u feeding them?  


I am growing organic too, noticed yellowing of leaves in blotches, was feeding seasol but found out it was only really an additive, things kicked off when i bought some power feed from bunnings.


Found i had to feed even though i had added nut's to the soil.

Edited by Jagged
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what are u feeding them?  


I am growing organic too, noticed yellowing of leaves in blotches, was feeding seasol but found out it was only really an additive, things kicked off when i bought some power feed from bunnings.


Found i had to feed even though i had added nut's to the soil.

I have organic feetiliser mixed in with the soil and the soil also contains some potting mix which also has nutrient.

Im unsure what the problem is so im not feeding them anything else other than plain water

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What water are you using? (Rainwater, tap, bore?). I was feeding my seedlings with bore water that was too salty. I had almost identical damage to mine. I switched to rainwater and added a little powerfeed and they haven't looked back.

I was using tap water and some rain water on rainy days until i transplanted them to the ground i watered them with rain water collected in a bucked it might of been contaminated with some metal from the roof gutter :/ but ill see how it goes tomorrow morningg .


Is your plant still alive?

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