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My Mindblowing Munchies

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Hey all ...


i was feeling hungry before and decided to look for something, to my suprise there was nothing cooked or no junk food in the closets soo i decided to cook up ...


Okay get a frying pan and fill nearly to the top with beef stock ( or just plain water ) and bring to the boil, quickly chop up about 10 - 15 tomatoes and chuck into the frypan when water or stock boils up. Add some chilli sauce & sweet chilli sauce. Stir every now and then.


Leave it to boil and get a tin of tuna and tomatoes chuck in and let it boil ... add some spring onions ( the onions that look like grass ) chop and stir into the frypan add pepper and voila


It taste really nice .. im having some now and its overwhelming ... ahhhh :thumbsup

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Sounds pretty good. Could go well with rice.


Take one cup of rice, four cups of boiling water or stock, a chopped onion and a knob of butter, throw it all in a baking dish, cover with foil and bake on 200ish (different for differt ovens) until the water is gone, stiring occasionally.


Oh yeah, a squeeze of lemon will help tone down the fishy taste of the tuna.

Edited by Medicineman
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