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Juicing Raw Cannabis , Won't get You High or will it !



G,day Folks 

Came across this , 

Now if you have a canna plant ( male maybe ) or cleaning up the suckers on the bottom that you are throwing in the bin you might want to have a look at this 

Juicing raw cannabis won't get you high , well that seems to depend on what your mixing with it 

check out , i think , the most annoying youtuber , some very cool info in his vids though ( Growing Your Greens ), just have to put up with him 

https://youtu.be/mEV9ZbKXj6E  FF to 13.35 for the recipe then FF to 32: 00 where he drinks his juice & has a cry & thinks he will not be getting high at this point

, at the end of his cry 34.30 he talks about getting high & makes some more to test on the owner of Boogie Brew (compost tea product) meet him at 37.15

BB guy has a drink from second batch at 43:00 & the results at 46:09


& yes they are both pretty annoying but not bad info 2 know i think , show meeeeeeee the coconuts !


Ps if someone would like to load the vid into a post to make it easy to watch please do so , that don't work for me , cheers

Edited by itchybromusic
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I read an article somewhere that some male plants have more THC than females as both develop trichomes certain strains have high THC males.



But as far as I know you have to decarb @ 120c (burn/vape/oven) otherwise I don't think you get high, because in the plant it's actually THC-A the -A gets converted away when de-carbed.


so if you just juice and eat raw I don't think you'll get high.

Edited by The Stoned Jester
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I read an article somewhere that some male plants have more THC than females as both develop trichomes certain strains have high THC males.



But as far as I know you have to decarb @ 120c (burn/vape/oven) otherwise I don't think you get high, because in the plant it's actually THC-A the -A gets converted away when de-carbed.


so if you just juice and eat raw I don't think you'll get high.

THC is soluble in fats like coconut which is what he used 


like you i don't know how they got past the decarb thing but they both seemed to get stoned without it 

however i did think that maybe the juicer might have some heat to it ???


Ps breeders often grow out males & get someone with lower tolerance to smoke them & THC is very visible 

Edited by itchybromusic
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yeah it was something about the hashish making in Afghanistan / Albania and places like that that sometimes the farmers pull the males and some times they get mixed into the sifter for hash.

ok cool , didn't know that 


I think i've seen a subcool vid saying he has grown

out some poss breeding males to give to low tolerance smokers to smoke

to give him an opinion on the stone b4 breeding with one of them 

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