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Sick Plant Recovery........ Hopefully

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The day after re-potting the plant went all droopy, even the top of the main stalk.  It is quite hot here today.


This is more a note for people trying the same thing as most plants need lots of attention after being moved and re-planted.


I know most people will tell you to watch out for overwatering Cannabis plants, but daily watering for a few days is needed to help the plant establish itself in it's new home.  As is the way with most plants.


So Don't Panic and Water On, well at least for a few days and make sure you keep a close eye on it.



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The green parts of the damaged leaves are still working... leave the plant to decide when it needs to lose the leaves.


hey dreddy, listen to the lady. the big leaves are mostly called shade-leaves, they should be solar leaves. they are the main panels that convert sunlight into all the other stuff that the plant needs. they can protect the inner parts against moderate hail, they often take most of a overdose of nutes. lots of cultivated plants need to be pruned sometimes, Cannabis is not one of them.

happy days.  

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Thanks guys, I will leave it alone like you have said.


After re-potting the plant and it going droopy it rained here for a couple of days.  Now the plant is nice and sturdy, it is upright and all the leavs have spread out.


The damage has started to fade away and holes are appearing in the leaves where some of the worst damage was, but the undamaged parts are nice and green.  Still got a few white areas but there is lots of new growth.


So it is looking good at this stage.  I will post more photos on Thursday or Friday which will be a week after the re-potting, and I think it will be time for a feed then.

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Hi guys


So here it is a week after re-potting.  Lots of new growth and the damaged leaves seem to be going OK. 


The new growth looks to be more than just the fan shaped leaves.  Is the plant starting to flower?


I only watered it twice with some food in the water, but it did spend a lot of time in all the rain we had recently.  Other than that I have left it alone.


I notice that it has not gained any height, is this normal?


Also, should I change the light cycle to 12/12 to get it to flower or just leave it?  I have a small tool shed I can put it in to keep it in darkness longer.





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I notice that it has not gained any height, is this normal?

That would probably be because your mate had already pinched the top out of the plant before you got it... this pic is a close up of one of the pics you put up in the first post, I have enlarged and notated the image for your your convenience.




In the centre you can just make out where the plant's original stem was cut and the two shoots either side that would have grown into two leaders had the plant not flowered prematurely.


I don't know your latitude, so I can't offer any advice about how to proceed with the plant.

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Hi Louise, Thanks for the reply mate.  The top was cut off because it was very badly damaged, not sure if somthing tried to eat it or if somthing fell on it. 


I am in Sydney NSW, and I have been told we are in for a dry hot summer.  She has sprouted a lot of new growth which is nice and green, I have some Ozi Tonic plant food if that would be better to use.

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Well, when you take the top out of the plant you do effectively halt the upwards growth for awhile.


Bugger, still I am happy with it's recovery so far.  It's getting more bushy by the day.  I think it will be best to leave it as it is to see how it develops.  Hopefully the weather will sort itself out, this up and down nonsense is not helping.

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