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A friend of mine has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and has been prescribed Champix to assist nicotine cessation.

His question to me... and mine to you... is can anyone tell me if they have used Champix while continuing to use cannabis?


I am interested in hearing your experiences...

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I thought i should quickly just jump an extra bit in...

The vivid nightmare side effect was in a sense a effect I was personally happy to endure to quit smoking.

I say this because, despite any personal feelings about the unknown brain chemistry is induces, it does work effectively at blocking the receptors.

Days after i stopped taking champix it kicked in (about the 2 weeks mark) and it was impossible to get a nicotine hit.

No matter how hard I "dragged", it felt like it was a 1mg cigarette or almost like it was not lit at all.

It was frustrating, but whether you like it or not, your are going cold turkey on nicotine.

Felt like you were a needle junkie that just acquired diamond skin that no needle could penetrate, so it does work on that level.


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