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Federal Government to legalise growing of medicinal cannabis

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I really hope that those select few who will be covered by any new legislation who can't, or won't, grow their own will gain access to effective meds as a result of this.  But aside from that I'm feeling very negative about the whole thing, and feel that it's actually going to be counter productive for most med users. 


And as for Lucy Haslam, and the crew of right wing halfwits like Jones who jumped on her bandwagon, I know we needed someone from "the right section of society" to speak out before the pollies would do anything, but I for one feel resentment (amongst other negative emotions) over her positions and involvement in the cause.  I need to be careful about what I say about her, and I do feel compassion for their loss, but I know what her familys' attitude and involvements with canna was before all of this, and I know that if I was on fire, instead of pissing on me she would get her hubbies friends to shaft me good and proper over my medicinal usage, as would the rest of her pro med canna friends.  Basically, unlike some people, I'd rather things drag out for longer with a better outcome, than to have to side with the enemy., and make no mistake, she is the enemy of our cause., always has been and always will.  And history has repeatedly shown that making deals with the enemy just about always leads to bigger problems down the track.  Dan was her cause at the start of all this, but now her cause is herself, not us.


Her narrow self serving view, combined with friends in the right place has forced pollies to at least pretend to do something, but by being so narrow it is also allowing them to take the same ridiculously narrow approach, which will almost inevitably end up serving big pharma and big corporate, whilst helping sweet fuck all people.  My positive side says this will open the door to further scope to medical canna in our country, but my cynical side thinks it's more likely to lead to an attitude of "we already have working medicinal cannabis legislation, there's no need to change it".


I'm afraid I also have to agree that us growers are only likely to end up worse off as a result of all this.  Thankfully my set in concrete attitude that I'll do what's best for me as long as it hurts no-one else means that it wont stop me growing :gardening:


Fuck I hope I'm wrong :peace:

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I think it will move much faster than it seems it would after the last 60 years of prohibition, i dont see how it will play out any other way, they've pretty much done all the kicking and screaming that can be done over the last 60 years


If i was Turnbull i would grab on with both hands hold on real tight and have a real go, he seems like a man who would be into legacies. Go to the UN and lobby them to re classify cannabis even if they dont go ahead with the report Branson leaked. We're God damn Adults FFS the Science is in, the people want it, lets get it done.


If everyone that supported MMJ and also full legal planted the maximum number of plants to be caught with before they send you to The Clink they would not be able to lock us all up? We've seen how revolution can topple leaders in the past, i see this as no different politically, politicians bend to the will of the people they have no other option if they want longer careers as relevant politicians. It really is the beauty of a Democracy when it come to massive changes like this one.


Go and plant some seeds in your backyard if you haven't any in yet.


Viva Australia Viva Cannabis :)

Edited by Jagged
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You should see the price of the "contracts" currently... :wacko:

Let's just say if you don't have more than 9 digits in your piggy bank then it's not for you :signthis:

Whether these companies make millions is completely up to you.

If you want the ability to grow from home as a dream job, then you must produce a higher quality than what these contracts are already producing.

Quality will stand over quantity, so if you want to be in this game then you need to lift your game.

Stop looking out the window and start looking at your garden :)


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I'm afraid nothing will change for us.  People still won't be able to grow for themselves without fear of prosecution/persecution. Instead, they will have to make do with a second-rate product from big pharmaceutical companies.


The efficacy of CBD extracted by pharmaceutical companies is much lower than that of using the whole plant. Nobody even understands why yet.


What is needed is complete legalisation of cannabis, so we can grow our own medicine safe in the knowledge of what is in it, and without contributing to the profit margins of big corporations.

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Not only do I agree that we need complete legalisation, but I believe it is essential in order for Medicinal Cannabis to ever reach it's full potential.  Simple reason being market economics.


You only have to look at what's happened in the States, the people making money out of med canna have figured out the obvious, which is that the bigger market is recreational users, so "medicinal" has simply become a byword and a marketing term for high THC cannabis because that's what they believe the recreational market wants.  If med and rec were genuinely separate streams then the medicinal producers would be solely focussed on their market, and developing/focussing on strains for delivering specific medicinal benefits, this is what med patients really need, especially those that can't or wont grow their own and experiment until they find what works for them.


I am keen to see how things pan out in Colorado now that they have legal rec as well.  I would also like to see our pollies have a good look at it and see how the world hasn't come to an end as a result.

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Stay positive, keep educating everyone you can. I was talking to my parents about this at Penrith panthers I saw a few ppl eaves dropping so I spoke louder. Ppl are defn interested.

With things like change.org. and other peoples movement we can guide how and when this will happen. If they fail to meet the need. Then the over whelming volumn of ppl will just go a head and do want they need to do.

They might stuff this a little at the start, but they dont want to embarrase themselve infront of the world. Portugal, Cannada and some states in America have there own effective model. Australia has led the way in medicin in many ways for many years, that is still true. Sick ppl wont suffer because of a second rate system. We wont allow it, and they cant force it. Many ppl are already doing it there own way, succesfully. Where one systmen fails, ppl will seek out the succesful model. I get asked almost every day now, there are so many sick ppl and theyneed help today.

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Rose - I am in total agreement with you about the need for Quality instead of just quantity ..


Also .... I think us Westies need to be looking at doing something about this .....too ... I have a few mates that are Former Cancer Warriors that have made a successful restart on life financially ..

they seem to be very interested in doing something for us in the West here .....

I'm sure we can do better then the Californians with their efforts ..... we have the sun , and we can make our own soil ......or go Hydro ..


Either way , I think we can do a better job !  Shouldn't let our supply be based in the Eastern States , can't let them have all the fun !

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Oh , just in addition ... I think if something is "legalised" it leaves it open to Over-abuse..... and I don't want this fantastic plant to be painted with the same brush as alcohol ...


Personally I smoke for survival and quality of life ..... I don't want it to be painted in the same picture as a persistent , compulsive stoner that sits on their couch every day all day and night is no damn use to anyone or anything because they are either unconscious , unavailable or just out to it (or all of the above)


Though , I think we all need to do this now and then , but someone who brings "unproductive" to a whole new level is dangerous ...

As ANYTHING is dangerous if it abused


My Girls know I have quiet cones .... though they also knew I didn't want them to even touch the stuff until they had finished the things they had needed to ....

One daughter has epilepsy , and uses , but still manages her life with straight marks in Social Sciences (she's becoming a little hippy)


I guess what I'm trying to say is , something needs to be an addition to your life , in support of your life , the minute it controls you , it becomes dangerous . (my dad was a violent alcoholic) 

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The need for quality over quantity..... thats kind of what drove compassion clubs in the u.s regardless of not being legally entitled to provide the needy with meds.


Who wants irradiated federal weed? thats going to suck.... real bad. There are still companies funded federally in the u.s to grow canna for those with serious illnesses who are provided cannabis that is ground down and irradiated (to eliminate any pathogens/bacterial spores) to ensure those that have weakened immune systems dont suffer tremendously. Which is a load of shite, there are alternatives for god sake..


Oz is still in the fucking dark ages.

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