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Side effects of bad weed?

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Laced weed DOES exist and its getting more common.

The reason they do this is to retain customers by getting them hooked on the weed.




Theres ALOT of this happening around the place and especially in places like NZ where theres a fairly small market for weed.


Uh, yeah... any New Zealand residents want to comment on this? :whistling


Some cops in New zealand are purposely spraying the plants with systemic poisons and they only way that you can tell if this has been done is if your lucky enough to spot the blue shit all over your plants.


Now that's something that's more likely to be true. Whether it would be "blue shit all over your plants" is debateable, but I have a feeling that such actions would occasionally still occur, and in the general commercial, and even personal growing market, there are many systemic insecticides and fungicides which are used, which could potentially cause problems if smoked. Fact is, we don't know. The pesticide companies aren't required to see what happens when someone smokes pot which has been treated with them.



But yeah, one of the reasons I grow my own is total control over the quality and knowing what goes into it. That's not for everyone of course, and it would be far better IMHO if we had a regulated commercial market for it, but that's another discussion. lol

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"So yeah, I'd be more concerned that the deal I bought was sprayed with mortein"


I've only just recently stared smoking again after a 10ish year break so dunno what's been happening recently but... back in my heyday of smoking lol there was a lot of "talk" of really shit weed being sprayed down with fly spay to increase potency, I though it was just some bullshit rumor?


An old friend of mine had an psychotic episode (went on for a couple of days) after smoking one time, we just thought he was trying to be the life of the party by acting weird lol ... About 6-12 months afterwards he was diagnosed as schitzo... however the dude was alway on the edge and I reckon he was gonna crack anyway - this seems to be the concensus doesn't it?... some people are just gonna crack and something's going to "trigger" it... grass, alcohol, coffee, relationships, could be any fucking thing.

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speaking of having laced weed around i dont actually know if this is true or not but i have heard rumour that at the moment there is some bad ass weed sprayed with mortein coming from sydney. can anyone give some info about this rumour ?


i reckon laced weed probly does exist in forms such as sprayed with mortein but probly not with harder drugs heroin/coke /e/ etc etc,

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im still newish to the stoner thing only since febuary, but my close friend smoked a lot one nite and the doc says his emune system shut down then he got a cold i guess but it evolved into somthin else now he spits up blood and stuff , in 2 weeks if its still goin on there going to operate


my Q-tion to you guys is: how can u tell the Quality of your weed , and after a night of a few bowls is it uncommon to still be a little wonki in the morning , my 1st time i was working at Dominos Pizza and i nocked over the pizza boxes, i have better control now but still im thinking of quiting just becouse ive almost been caught so many times

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im still newish to the stoner thing only since febuary, but my close friend smoked a lot one nite and the doc says his emune system shut down then he got a cold i guess but it evolved into somthin else now he spits up blood and stuff , in 2 weeks if its still goin on there going to operate


Dude, there is no way that MJ caused your friends problems. MJ has been only spuriously linked to immune response previously by biased and skewed research methods and reporting. There is NO evidence whatsoever that MJ causes a depression of, or damage to the immune system of human beings. None.


If he's in hospital with pneumonia, (which is what it sounds like) I would suggest that it's possible he either obtained it completely separately and it merely attacked him at that particular time, or he may have caught the bug from sharing bongs without thinking about it. Do you drink from a cup when a guys coughing and sneezing? No, ya don't, and neither should you smoke from a bong which has been used in the same way.


I quote DEA Judge Francis Young in his 1988 findings,

16. Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within a supervised routine of medical care."


link to findings...


my Q-tion to you guys is: how can u tell the Quality of your weed , and after a night of a few bowls is it uncommon to still be a little wonki in the morning , my 1st time i was working at Dominos Pizza and i nocked over the pizza boxes, i have better control now but still im thinking of quiting just becouse ive almost been caught so many times


No, it wouldn't be uncommon, the effects of MJ can still be noticeable for up to 12 hours after use, although it varies with dose, thc/cbd ratios in the smoke, and other factors.


I would suggest not smoking the night before you go to work, if you find yourself too zonked, perhaps even just smoking a little rather than a lot. If you don't wanna do that, I'd say you'll be looking for a new job soon. lol


You can't really tell much about quality until ya smoke it... although IMHO the best quality weed will be the stuff you grow yaself, because you know exactly what's been done to them, how they've been treated etc. You know there won't be any pesticides, fungicides, or whatever you don't want in your crop. That's the only way to be absolutely sure.


Smell is something, as is appearance, a sticky, trichome covered bud is more likely to get you totalled than a crumbly and clean one, but even then you can't really be sure till ya smoke it... Best bet is to just smoke one cone of it, wait a while, and judge how wasted you are after about 1/2 hour or so. You should only do this in a truly "straight" condition to get a good idea though, as if you're toasted from the night before, it may skew the feelings a bit.


Hope that helps mate, and yeah, I do sympathise for your mate, but I think the doctor who claims that MJ did that to him is a moron. Or evil.



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Hi guy's it's been a while since my last visit,but I'd like to comment.

Psychosis of any sort can be precipitated by anything at all including the mortein sprayed onto plants for aphid control by money hungry know-it-alls who know nothing about botany,gardening or basic chemistry let alone respect.Which is where I assume the legend comes from ;) ...just idiots growing to capitalise/control with absolutely no understanding or concern for the crops health let alone the consumers :D

Show me the money ;)


On psychosis from cannabis use,the Rasta's use this as their sacrament because they have their head around aspects we don't and they use it to 'excess' in western terms at that.They see it is a unique way to the spirit world just like many cultures use many other plants the same way and as such need to be approached with respect and reverance for the uniqueness of the experience.Like any other psychedelic or 'god producing' 'key' it can unlock the door to 'nirvana' or 'hell' mostly driven by the mindset of the user....anybody had too many brownies? :P

Most westerners I feel don't ever or rarely do get a handle on their cannabis use and gain insight.Some have a real hard time integrating their first heavy session or green-out and that's where latent psychosis finds a tear in the fabric and shows up.In traditional cultures this would be dealt with by elders (counseling) and more 'drug' therapy(i.e. back on the horse..).Alas in the western world the 'elders' tell us to abstain and take a fuckin prozac??

(end of spit) :P


@Roadkill-just slow up a bit,if you're heart races after a smoke and your minds not on it next day then change your breed.

Indica's are good for those with panic type disorders-stay away from sativa dominants if you're depressed or have anxiety/panic disorder.




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