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Side effects of bad weed?

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My friend was telling me about her cousin, how he managed to get some bad weed and it was his first time, and his brain was apparently completely fried. Doesn't recognise anybody , no mental capabilities, etc..


Is that even possible? There would have to be some pretty insane stuff mixed in for that to happen.. or are we talking bad reaction [allergic/brain whatever] and it screwed him up? Or just a story, or something else...


Just kind of curious. Thanks.


Sorry if this is the wrong forum.. I can't find where else to put it.

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I have never, and I must repeat, never heard of a "cannabis psychosis" episode actually occuring. There is a heck of a lot of conjecture and bullshit out there about it, almost all of it is simply a scare campaign by those who hate "illegal drugs" and have something to gain by it.


If you're interested in the reality of cannabis and it's effects on the brain, positive and negative, (once again, it sounds like this is just a "story", with likely a lot of pieces missing) then check out the research on the subject. New Scientist has a good marijuana discussion area, with lots of links to research and lots of opinions from those who should know.

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honestly i believe it exists but only due to other things being added....


like every1 has had fuel buds and in alotta cases pot laced with speed, e, herion, etc...most of the time we just dont know what we are smoking unless we grow the plants ourself and dont let any1 near the smoko at all....


my best mate a couple of years ago had this happen to him, i wasnt around to see it actually happen but my friends that were with him said that he was having troubles walking, fell on the middle of the road, passed out and after about 5 mins of laying their fucked outter his brain he woke up to having no knowledge of even who he was lol


seriously now, i didnt believe it at first...but after a full day of testing him (cruel to do i know but as a friend i had to know his mental state) i cam to the conclusion he was really fucked up in the head.....took about a month to get most of the shit back in his head but was seriously like a 18yo with a new borns knowledge....was really fucked up lol


all that he took that day was weed, got it from a new dealer and because of his mental state couldnt remember who the fuck he got it from and never spoke to the guy again (to my knowledge anyways)....shame really cuz i really wanted to know what coulda caused that kinda thing to happen.....


about the best i can say about that day was my friend was alone at the time he started smokin and when my other friends arrived he held out on them as there was only 2 cones left....woulda made some really bad news for the mj community if 20 ppl dropped like flies and then recovered with no memory of even who they are :-s

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wantdachronic Posted Sep 14 2004, 01:29 PM

  honestly i believe it exists but only due to other things being added....


Believe. You haven't actually seen any confirmed, medically diagnosed cases of it have ya?


like every1 has had fuel buds



What's a fuel bud?


in alotta cases pot laced with speed, e, herion, etc...

That's another myth that's moved out into the general public with little or no evidence to back it up. I don't actually believe that anyone would lace a drug like pot with these things without either doing it for themselves in a mull, (I've seen people smoke rocks of heroin on their cones before) or would be selling it at the biggest premium cost you could ever imagine. Think about it for a second, why would you use a far more expensive drug to "lace" another far less expensive one, when you're only going to sell it for the same price? Doesn't make sense... I've never seen any evidence that pot is laced with other drugs when bought from commercial dealers, nor have I ever seen any research which claims it exists authoritatively. All we have are anecdotes from somewhat, dubious sources.


most of the time we just dont know what we are smoking unless we grow the plants ourself and dont let any1 near the smoko at all....


That's true, but not in the way you're thinking. It's got more to do with what pesticides, fungicides and potentially harmful additives, (superbud etc) that some commercial growers are willing to place on their crops to ensure either maximum weight, yeild or appearance. Few of them would ever be concerned about the potential health concerns you'd have if you smoke buds treated with these substances, and to be truthful, some home growers don't really give a stuff either, which worries me. Home growers who do care about what they're smoking will often end up being quite conservative when it comes to applying such substances, but there are all kinds of growers out there.


So yeah, I'd be more concerned that the deal I bought was sprayed with mortein and treated through the whole cycle with fongarid than if I'm going to od from heroin or coke laced pot. ;)


my best mate a couple of years ago had this happen to him, i wasnt around to see it actually happen but my friends that were with him said that he was having troubles walking, fell on the middle of the road, passed out and after about 5 mins of laying their fucked outter his brain he woke up to having no knowledge of even who he was


seriously now, i didnt believe it at first...but after a full day of testing him (cruel to do i know but as a friend i had to know his mental state) i cam to the conclusion he was really fucked up in the head.....took about a month to get most of the shit back in his head but was seriously like a 18yo with a new borns knowledge....was really fucked up


all that he took that day was weed, got it from a new dealer and because of his mental state couldnt remember who the fuck he got it from and never spoke to the guy again (to my knowledge anyways)....shame really cuz i really wanted to know what coulda caused that kinda thing to happen.....


Sounds more like another anecdote with little or no basis to blame on weed. Y'know, that sounds more like a stroke than any kind of cannabis induced problem. Dopey bastard could have a blood clot in his brain. But yeah, sorry to say, but I think this isn't any evidence whatsoever for cannabis psychosis, just another story with no backing. Nothing personal in this mind, I just don't like seeing people get scared of something that has been used safely by society for several thousand years, with little to no adverse side effects. Well, the memory thing is something you could call adverse I suppose, but I personally think "the munchies" are the best darn side-effect of any drug on the planet. lol


I'd encourage all members to check out the New Scientist's Marijuana Special Report page, which you can reach through this link... http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/marijuana/

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Laced weed doesnt exist and theres no evidence, so forget youve ever smoked any people.....

noone uses cheap shit like ketamine and crap like that for lacing weed so forget about it, shit passa water weed hasnt been sold for fucking 50 odd years, its just a fucking myth.... Ive never seen a single mention of laced weed in the greatest stoner mag in the world... new scientist...

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Laced weed DOES exist and its getting more common.

The reason they do this is to retain customers by getting them hooked on the weed.


Theres ALOT of this happening around the place and especially in places like NZ where theres a fairly small market for weed.


Some cops in New zealand are purposely spraying the plants with systemic poisons and they only way that you can tell if this has been done is if your lucky enough to spot the blue shit all over your plants.


This is also one of the reasons that I grow my own, Im not risking poisioning myself.

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