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Skylight and HPS?

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gidday fellas, After much studying ive decided to build and indoor hydro setup, and was wondering if it is worth me fitting some clear plastic to the flat roof. I have a 400watta which would have to be shaded in a way not to let to much light out through the skylight, I dont really want to have to cover it each night. Any ideas would be much appreciated. lol
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ever see the movie "Saving Grace" ?? if not, this old lady ends up growing pot to save her house and about 1/2 way into the movie the local pub goes out at like 9pm every night to watch her greenhouse light up lol, looks like the light u would see in a movie about god but coming from her greenhouse lol


im pretty sure thats something u dont want on a smaller scale, i reckon even if its like 1/100th as bad as graces from the movie u will get done in a week :thumbdown

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